Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sunday Summary ♡

I got 50 Followers! I'm so happy! Now, I know 50 followers isn't exactly thousands but I'm so happy since the last week I've had twenty new followers. I was stuck on 31 for months so Thank you so much to the 51 of you who've followed me. I hope you stick with me. I feel really proud for hitting that half way to 100 milestone. I don't blog for followers but It feel so nice to see people wanting to read my rambles. Big smiles!

I've had my hair cut tonight by my friend Jade. I love it. She's cut all my frazzled ends off and added lots of choppy layers and a side fringe. I would take a quick picture on my webcam but I'm all tucked in bed and in no fit state to be exposed to the interweb, but I'm loving my new locks & so happy all the dead ends and scraggely bits have been chopped off so it can continue to grow nicely.

Exams. Yes, exams. I think everyone hates exams and I've got my first set next week. In the course I'm doing (Hair & Media Make Up) we have to take exams and practical assessments after every unit which sucks but it's better than having to remember every little detail about every unit until end of year exams because I forget everything. I'm pretty confident for these exams though & they're multiple choice questions so they can't be too hard. 

I'm on a spending ban - BOO! I've decided that I spend too much money on stupid things like alcohol & more make up I don't really need. So from yesterday until new years day I'm not spending any unessesary money on anything and I plan on sticking to it. The only thing I can't back out from is my work Christmas night out because It's already booked. This is going to be so hard but I'm looking forward to treating myself to something nice with all the money I would of saved. 

                    Thankyou so much again for 50 followers! Hope you've all had a good weekend.


  1. Just thought I'd be the one to say that you're welcome, because your blog is gorgeous and you deserve every single follower xx

  2. Good luck in your exams! I don't have 50 followers yet so of course 50 seems like such a huge amount. Your blog is very lovely xx

  3. congrats on 51 :) I found the best way to gain followers and find new blogs to follow is through blog hops so if you're ever stuck on a certain number again try adding your link to a few. Good luck with your exams! xx

  4. congratulations on the followers, I'm a new follower so that makes me the 55th! I think i've just read every post you have posted and I love your blog so much!

    1. Aww thankyou so much! That means a lot :) xxxxx
