Friday, 23 November 2012

Max Factor Face Finity 3 in 1 Foundation. ♡

When I first bought this foundation (around a month ago) I really hated it. It was a weird shade and just awful, but I paid money for this and I wasn't going to waste it, so I decided to work with it. I purchased the Real Techniques expert face brush a week later & applied this foundation using that and it's the perfect combination. I think I picked the wrong shade in this as it's a little dark but once its blended and set you can't even tell. As for the claim that it's a primer, concealer & foundation in one is a bit steep. I don't think it's as good as it makes out. It's okay coverage not the best but definitely buildable. 

Overall though it's a really nice foundation and it feels really lightweight on my skin which is a bonus. Lasting power on this is around 6-7 hours without topping up which is really good in my opinion. It could last a lot longer with a dusting of powder to freshen it up. It doesn't oxidise on the skin after a few hours either - bonus! 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend whatever plans you have!

1 comment:

  1. Hi :) I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Awards, you can see the post here:

    sorry if you have already done it!

    Love Becky xx
