Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Spending Ban Wishes ♡

As I've mentioned a few times I'm on a spending ban! BOO! I planned on being on it until the end of December but I just don't think I'll cope that long so I've shortened it to the end of November so It's one month instead of two. I think that's very reasonable! I'm really struggling on sticking to it to be honest & It's getting me down! But that's the reason why I'm on it. I don't want to feel sad just because I can't afford to spend huge amounts on make-up & clothes, I mean c'mon?! Anyway..

Palmers Cocoa Butter Gradual Tan £5.35 - I saw this in Boots the other day & I love love love Palmers Cocoa Butter so It'd be even better with a natural glow! 
MAC Velvet Teddy Lipstick (matte) £14.00 - This is on my Christmas list. I always thought it was too brown for my skin but I've fallen in love with it. I cannot wait to try it! 
River Island LTD Edition Studded bag £40.00 - I'm also in love with this bag. I've been looking for a new bag for ages! Too bad I find the perfect one when I'm on a spending ban & It's LTD Edition so I can't even get it later on! Sad times. 
River Island riding boots £55.00 - These are gorgeous too. Although even if I wasn't on a spending ban I wouldn't spend £55 on Boots I've found a similar pair on Ebay for half the price but these are too gorgeous. 
River Island Silver wash Skull Studs £1.50 - Love these too, good price at £1.50! I'm definitely going to order these if they're still there at the end of the month! 
That Vanilla Moment Bath & Shower Gel £3.03 - My boyfriend bought me the body scrub to this a few days ago and I love it. It smells like cake mix & it ex foliates beautifully so I really want to try the bath & shower gel too, A bath full of this would be heaven. 
No.7 Soft & Soothed Cleanser & Toner £8.00 each - I've recently started getting into cleansing my make-up off instead of attacking my face with a baby wipe & I really want to try these as they're hypo-allergenic and hopefully won't irritate my skin!!

Two weeks left of the ban! I hope it goes quickly *how sad please?* 


  1. Love the skull earring, soo cute <3 hope the next two weeks go quickly for you! x

  2. Love the RI boots, I always find they have a really awesome selection of footwear!


    1. I know! RI have got it spot on at the moment xx

  3. Sorry that this doesn't help your spending ban, but Velvet Teddy is my favorite lipstick of all. The color is great for me and the texture is super nice. x

    1. It's on my Christmas list so i'll be awaiting it under the tree :)xx

  4. Awww, you're doing well on your ban!

