Saturday, 3 November 2012

All Hallows Eve - What I wore.

Hey Beauties, On my Sunday Summary post, I mentioned that I was going out for Halloween dressed as Carrie from the horror movie 'Carrie' and a few of you commented asking me to post pictures of it. I'm never one to dissapoint so here they are. I adapted the make-up a little to make it scarier, in  the film Carrie's face was just bloody but I wanted to add something extra. 

I used: 
- White face paint mixed with the tiniest amount of foundation to make it go on easier and not go patchy.
- Liquid Latex to make open 'wounds' around my eye and cheek. 
- Black and red eye shadows for the dark eyes and wounds.
- I then mixed a dark green with a touch of black eye shadow to go around the wounds to make them look bruised. I also did this in the natural creases of my face too to make myself appear dead.
- Then I smeared fake blood on my face wherever I felt it needed it.
- Lastly I back combed my hair so it was really really big and messy then hair sprayed it for the hold &  I also used a glitter spray just for added glamour as open wounds and black eyes aren't exactly the most girly look to wear out ;) & the dress was just an old white one I had and I just took it into my back garden & attacked it with red food colouring.

Heres some more pictures of the night with friends, I also did their make-up too. 

Zoe & I.
Lauren, Myself & Zoe.

Hope you're all having a good weekend so far, I'm off to work now - boo. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha I love it :)

    Tanesha x
