Sunday, 11 November 2012

Sunday Summary #7 ♡

There aren't many pictures of my face on my blog so I thought I'd share this one. I was particularly happy with my make-up that day. The lipstick I'm wearing is MAC Rebel.

♡  The spending ban is going well. I'm really struggling though. There is any 3 Lee Stafford for £12 in Boots at the moment and it's taken a lot of will power not to go crazy on products, like serious will power. My boyfriend has practically had to drag me away from the make up counters I feel like a drug addict gone cold turkey. I'm doing well though 8 days I've done so far without buying any sort of beauty product. My boyfriend did buy me a gorgeous vanilla body scrub from Tesco but that doesn't count cause he bought it right? yes. 

ALEX BOX TWEETED ME. Yes, The Alex Box creative director for Illamasqua tweeted me. I adore her, I think she's absolutely beautiful AND she's the reason I've pushed myself to become a make-up artist. She's my Idol career wise and she inspires me every single day. Having her tweeting me makes so much difference to my ambitions and it's made me even more determined to achieve.  

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I've just given in my Christmas list. It's not big. It has 5 items on it accumulating to £85.00 because that's the absolute most I want my Dad to spend on me. I don't need to ask him for Chanel products or expensive clothes and jewellery because If I wanted those things I'd buy them myself. I've asked for things I've wanted for ages and things I've recently wanted. I don't love Christmas for the presents any way. I love it for the atmosphere, the gaudy Christmas lights and how friendly everyone becomes.  I love Christmas for everything in this picture.. 

                                                  I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, Monday tomorrow - BOO. 


  1. You look gorgeous :) I love that Christmas picture...feeling quite Christmasy now!

  2. Lovely picture, I really want Mac's Rebel its such a perfect colour for this time of year. I cant wait for christmas either, I'm trying not to let myself get too excited until December 1st! <3 x

    1. Thank you! BUY REBEL!! You won't be disappointed :)xxxx
