Thursday, 8 November 2012

Beauty Blogger Tag ♡


I've seen this tag around on other's blogs for a while and I loved reading about others blog stories so I thought I'd do it myself. I believe Sophia of Tattooed Tealady created this tag so credit to her & check out her blog she's amazing

Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?
I've been blogging for 1 year and 3 months on and off. I started in August 2011 but I've never been really flowing with posts I left my blog for a few months in April for reasons stated here. I started blogging because I'd read blogs and watched YouTube videos for such a long time I really wanted to be apart of it. I firstly considered YouTube but I noticed how much hate the YouTube guru's get and it's so horrible and I don't think I'd be able to cope with daily hate. I decided blogging was my way of getting myself into the online beauty community and the support is so lovely and it's so nice to be able to have my own little place of the internet

Whose blog did you fall in love with first?
Zoella. I adore Zoe. Honestly I adore Louise too. They're both so beautiful and their blogs are so beautifully written. I found Zoe's YouTube videos first then found her blog and I loved it. She's the reason I started my blog. She makes it look so easy that a 'normal' girl can express her feelings on the beauty in the world

What was the first blogosphere hyped about product you bought and was it worth the hype?
There is a lot of products I've tried because of blogs and loved. UD's Naked Palette being the main one. It took me so so long to get hold of one! I ended up having to ask for it for Christmas and it having to be ordered from a different country but I love it and use it almost everyday. Second to that being Real Technique brushes. They're amazing. 

What are your favourite five things about blogging and being a beauty blogger?
1. Having my own place of the internet that's made completely by me and where I can write about whatever and whenever I want. 
2. Knowing that whenever I log on there's lovely comments from lovely supportive people. It's nice to know people read the rambles I post. 
3. Discovering a whole world of different products and being able to hear other honest reviews before you buy something. 
4. Having a interactive hobby. It's so much more for filling than collecting stamps or train spotting isn't it? 
5. Talking and meeting lovely people from all over the world.

What have you learnt from being a beauty blogger?
That most bloggers have the same mind path and are most likely thinking the same way. Also that anyone can be apart of it you don't have to act like something you're not to be successfully. 

Have you changed anything since being a beauty blogger?
Only my bank balance! I've become so poor since blogging. I'd be out and be like 'OOOH I saw that on so and so's blog I must try it' and before you know it you've spent £80 in Boots when you only went in for some face wipes.

What advice would you give to a beauty blogger just starting out?
Be yourself and not try and write like anyone else. Reveal your own personality not what you think will be popular. Don't worry on your followers count because If you enjoy what you write then readers will enjoy too and then follow you. 

Name your top five brands!
Illamasqua, Sleek, NYX, Estee Lauder, MAC.

Recommend your top five favourite beauty products!
Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation, MAC Lipsticks, L'oreal Mythic Hair Oil, NYX Jumbo eye pencils, UD Naked pallette. 

I tag everyone to do this, share your blog story.


  1. This post is spot on. I had never verbalized it in my head before but one of the best things about blogging is, like you said, that it's an interactive hobby. Very rewarding in terms of meeting people from all over the world and with common interests. :)

  2. I love how you expressed your answers to the questions! :) I feel like I can relate to them too :)

    The Misty Mom
