Monday, 12 November 2012

Current Hair Care Routine ♡

Hair care is something I take seriously. My hair used to be one of my best features, it was long, thick blonde & I always got complimented on it. Then in 2009 it all went down hill when I decided to dye my locks black and then got bored & wanted them blonde again. BAD IDEA! Very very bad idea on my behalf. I didn't even do it the good way by getting it done in stages I wanted bright blonde hair again then and there. It obviously wasn't happening so my hair got ruined, it all broke off right up to my shoulders. It went from just below my boobs to sitting on my shoulders. Which was horrific enough but it wasn't even a real colour, it was orange, and in some bits white and other bits pink, here is a picture of how bad it was. Note the frazzled hair, mismatched colour & just horribleness of it. Since then I've been brown & red alternate until April this year I went back to my natural blonde again professionally. I vow to never let my hair get into this state again, now on to the lovely products. 

 L'oreal Hair Expertise Eversleek No sulphates Smoothing Care System with no silicone Shampoo & Conditioner - Firstly, what a long name these have! Mouth full or what. Secondly they're amazing. This is what L'oreal says: "Specifically designed for coarse and frizzy hair, the EverSleek Smoothing & Nourish range is a Smoothing Care System with non-sulphate cleansing and smooth conditioning care." I say they definitley do what they say they do. I'm not entirely sure what the non sulphate and no silicone do to the hair but they've completely transformed my hair into managable soft, smooth and silky locks. They're £6.99 in Tesco's which is where I got mine from I'm sure they're widely available though. I'm going to get some more from this range when my spending ban is up! 

 Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Intensive mask - Love this. I love the Shampoo & Conditioner to this too. I first bought the Shampoo & Conditioner just as because I was going on holiday to Barcelona in last May and I wanted something hydrating which would counteract the sun drying out my hair and I loved them and the mask is no disappointment either. I love the smell  so much, obviously It's not about the smell but it helps doesn't it! I love drenching my hair in this once or twice a week depending on how my hair has been that week, wrapping my hair in cling film to keep the heat in and sitting for 45 minutes - an hour and it really really makes a difference. This was £4.39 in Tesco's also but I know they're widely available. 

L'oreal Mythic oil - A blogger/YouTube sensation. I like many received this in a Glossy Box last year. I use it every time I wash my hair and It's only just got to the half way point. I love this a lot. I never thought I'd be able to use oils in my hair because it would instantly make it greasy and limp but this one is gorgeous. I use two pumps in my hand rub my hands together and distribute this on the ends of my hair, then air dry/blow dry as normal and my hair is left feeling soft & protected. I've never actually smelt this so I'm not sure on it scent. This can be found for £12.76 on Cheap Smells. Obviously cheaper than argon or Moroccan oil but certainly a good dupe.

John Frieda Sheer Blonde leave in conditioner/heat protection spray - This is incredible. It smells unreal & the fact it's a leave in conditioner as well as a heat protection sold me on this even before I bought it. I'm so lazy it's a known fact & If I had to pick between putting a leave in conditioner on or a heat protector I'd choose the conditioner. The fact this is two in one means I don't have to worry because my love for leave in conditioner will be satisfied and so will my hair from the heat protect. I spay this in my hair when it's wet, air dry/blow dry then also spray some in when it's done & always before straightening and curling too. I can't find this on the Boots website, I'm probably just being really thick it's probably on there but its around £4-6. 

I tend to usually air dry my hair unless I'm in a hurry & only wash it once a week, twice if I'm going out on the town over the weekend. Between washes I use Batiste Dry Shampoo & always try to limit the heat to my hair. I sleep with my hair in a French braid to prevent it pulling/getting tangled in my sleep.  

Does anyone have any hair growth/hair care tips for me?
I'm always up for trying new hair products!

1 comment:

  1. I might try the l'oreal mythic oil! I really love John Frieda's Full Repair range, I use the shampoo and conditioner every day and the deep conditioner every fortnight or so, depending on how my hair feels and I use the heat protection if I'm blow drying or straightening :)
