Saturday, 3 November 2012

October Favourites ♡

Just a few favourites for this month. Make up wise I've kept everything pretty much the same. I have bought a few new things but late into the month but they'll definitely make my November Favourites. 

Salon Creative Cleansing Raspberry Body Butter - Can you even believe this huge body butter was 99p? It's from the 99p Stores and it smells absolutely fabulous and it's just so moisturising its unreal. I cannot believe it's only 99p. It comes in other scents too, Coconut and Cocoa Butter I think. I've had this for ages but only just started to use it regularly, it's gorgeous.

Batiste Dry Shampoo - I think everyone loves this dry shampoo. If not another scent of it. I usually use the Tropical scent but the last two bottles of it I've bought have been broken I think. Usually when I spray it a white powder comes out doesn't it? But the last few times on the tropical one nothing has came out? Not sure. This scent however is gorgeous & smells lovely. It's the Cherry one & I love it. Does the job, saves my life. I hate washing my hair more than once a week so this is just a life saver.

Superdrug Deep Action Anti-Blemish Gel - I've never been one for expensive skin care because like I've said in previous posts It's just a waste of money because I'll more than likely have an allergic reaction to something in it or my skin will just go worse from it so this is perfect. It was around £2-3 from Superdrug and it works perfectly as an overnight spot treatment. I did buy Lush's Grease Lightening but UGH NO. It made my skin 100% worse. It was horrible.

Lush Popcorn Lip Scrub - I always thought these were really weird. but I couldn't resist this one. It came out  recently with the Halloween or Christmas Collection. They both came out together so I don't know which one it came out with, duh. This tastes amazing like bitter sweet caramel. and does my lips wonders! love.

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