Thursday, 29 November 2012

November Favourites


I haven't had any new favourites this month, mostly staple items that I've used more than usual or old loves I've re kindled. 

- Batiste Dry Shampoo. I love this, I've used it for like almost 5 years and I don't think I'd ever change brands to another dry shampoo. I've only just changed scents. I used to use the tropical one but I'm sure my hair got too used to it and wouldn't work? Or I just had a dud can. I love this Cherry scented one though. This is my second can in the last month. I did in fact buy this in my spending ban but I can't go without this because I only wash my hair once/twice a week so if I didn't have this I'd look like a greasy mess. No thanks!

Real Techniques Expert face brush - I bought this around a month ago and I LOVE IT. It's one of if not the best foundation/base brush I've ever used in my whole life. I'd recommend this to anyone and everyone. It creates a flawless finish and takes like 10 seconds to work foundation into the face. Love. It was only £9.99 too. This is my second real techniques brush and I love them. Definitely buying more.

Clean & Clear Sensitive Deep Cleansing Lotion - This is another one of my best ever products. I've been using this for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure what I use it for, as weird as that sounds. I don't use it to remove make-up because it's too harsh once I've cleansed, and used facial wash, I dab this on a cotton pad and wipe round my face. I use this more when I have bad skin because it helps to dry out and clear up blemishes. 

Famous by Sue Moxley Bronzer - I've had this since June & I couldn't get it to work with me, then earlier this month I smashed it & for some reason it became 100% more pigmented & now I love it and I can't get enough of it! 

P.S I'm going through a bit of a horrible time at the moment which is why there has been a lack of posts. 


Monday, 26 November 2012

Monday Loves ♡

Hello lovelies! Hope you've all had an enjoyable Monday! - Well as enjoyable as a Monday can be! I've developed a cold and had to go to the doctors today for a needle so I'm feeling a bit rubbish really. I thought I'd do a little post on all the little non-beauty things that are making me happy right now! 

Festive spirit // Quotes like this // Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 2 - Epic // Abduction starring Taylor Lautner, If you've never watched it, check it out // 1000 Years - Christina Perri. 

Realising that there are millions of little things that can make you happy daily can make horrible doctors and feeling poorly seem so unimportant. Of course my family, friends & boyfriend make me happy every moment of every day!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Max Factor Face Finity 3 in 1 Foundation. ♡

When I first bought this foundation (around a month ago) I really hated it. It was a weird shade and just awful, but I paid money for this and I wasn't going to waste it, so I decided to work with it. I purchased the Real Techniques expert face brush a week later & applied this foundation using that and it's the perfect combination. I think I picked the wrong shade in this as it's a little dark but once its blended and set you can't even tell. As for the claim that it's a primer, concealer & foundation in one is a bit steep. I don't think it's as good as it makes out. It's okay coverage not the best but definitely buildable. 

Overall though it's a really nice foundation and it feels really lightweight on my skin which is a bonus. Lasting power on this is around 6-7 hours without topping up which is really good in my opinion. It could last a lot longer with a dusting of powder to freshen it up. It doesn't oxidise on the skin after a few hours either - bonus! 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend whatever plans you have!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Ghost of make-up past. ♡

Products used:
- Revlon Colour Stay foundation 'Ivory.
- Natural Collection powder.
- Rimmel Bronzer 
- Rimmel Professional Brow Pencil.
- Sleek 'Storm' Eye Shadow Palette [Gold & Champagne colours for lid & inner corner, Burnt Red for crease & Lower lashes]
- Collection 24/7 Eyeliner pen.
- Soap & Glory eye khol
- Maybeline one by one Mascara.
- Collection cream puff Lipcream 'Fairy Cake'

Soo, my spending ban is almost up! I decided to use products I'd forgotten about to save all my higher end products until I can afford to restock them because some of them are running low & I can't afford to run out of them at the moment! So I shopped my stash & I'm really pleased with my finds. It was like a jumble sale in my make-up drawer & I discovered products I loved, that were cheap & that I forgot about when I bought bigger and better things. I loved doing this, I felt like I was discovering lost treasure - No really! Haha. It was fun & my I used all 'drugstore' products, not one high end product was used. Not even the brushes, I used Real Techniques Expert face brush for foundation, an elf powder brush for powder, Elf complextion brush for bronzer & a no name brand eye shadow brush, and to be honest it doesn't feel or look much different to how it would look if I used high end products so win win. 

Sunday, 18 November 2012

FOTN - Glitter Eyes ♡

Products used - 
- Estee Lauder Double wear foundation. 
- Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer.
-  Rimmel Stay Matte Powder.
- MAC Impeccable Brow pencil (Dirty Blonde).
-  Famous by Sue Moxley bronzer (Miami).
- NYX Jumbo eye pencil (Milk)
- MUA Eye Shadow (Shade 1) 
- Black Eye shadow from 120 Palette.
- Eyelash glue as a base for the glitter all over the MUA shade 1 (white shimmery colour.)
- Illamasqua Pigment in Beguile all over the lash glue for a solid glittery lid.
- Collection 24 Eyeliner pen.
- L'oreal Volume Million Excess mascara.
- Soap & Glory black pencil eyeliner.
- NYX Soft Matte lip creme (Adis Adabba) 
- Barry M Lipstick (158)

Jeez, writing all that out looks like a lot of products to put on one face doesn't it! I love wearing this look when I go out though. So glittery & gorgeous. I wore a Primark dress it was black with white flowers all over it & had ruffles all over the boob area, it's gorgeous. However my make-up didn't look like that by the end of the night as I got a tad more drunk than I expected! Haha, nevermind! I only spent £20 though which is a bargain! (Spending ban is still on, I forgot I promised this night out before I started the ban.) I'm now snuggled up in bed watching Harry Potter nursing my hangover!  

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend! 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Spending Ban Wishes ♡

As I've mentioned a few times I'm on a spending ban! BOO! I planned on being on it until the end of December but I just don't think I'll cope that long so I've shortened it to the end of November so It's one month instead of two. I think that's very reasonable! I'm really struggling on sticking to it to be honest & It's getting me down! But that's the reason why I'm on it. I don't want to feel sad just because I can't afford to spend huge amounts on make-up & clothes, I mean c'mon?! Anyway..

Palmers Cocoa Butter Gradual Tan £5.35 - I saw this in Boots the other day & I love love love Palmers Cocoa Butter so It'd be even better with a natural glow! 
MAC Velvet Teddy Lipstick (matte) £14.00 - This is on my Christmas list. I always thought it was too brown for my skin but I've fallen in love with it. I cannot wait to try it! 
River Island LTD Edition Studded bag £40.00 - I'm also in love with this bag. I've been looking for a new bag for ages! Too bad I find the perfect one when I'm on a spending ban & It's LTD Edition so I can't even get it later on! Sad times. 
River Island riding boots £55.00 - These are gorgeous too. Although even if I wasn't on a spending ban I wouldn't spend £55 on Boots I've found a similar pair on Ebay for half the price but these are too gorgeous. 
River Island Silver wash Skull Studs £1.50 - Love these too, good price at £1.50! I'm definitely going to order these if they're still there at the end of the month! 
That Vanilla Moment Bath & Shower Gel £3.03 - My boyfriend bought me the body scrub to this a few days ago and I love it. It smells like cake mix & it ex foliates beautifully so I really want to try the bath & shower gel too, A bath full of this would be heaven. 
No.7 Soft & Soothed Cleanser & Toner £8.00 each - I've recently started getting into cleansing my make-up off instead of attacking my face with a baby wipe & I really want to try these as they're hypo-allergenic and hopefully won't irritate my skin!!

Two weeks left of the ban! I hope it goes quickly *how sad please?* 

Monday, 12 November 2012

Current Hair Care Routine ♡

Hair care is something I take seriously. My hair used to be one of my best features, it was long, thick blonde & I always got complimented on it. Then in 2009 it all went down hill when I decided to dye my locks black and then got bored & wanted them blonde again. BAD IDEA! Very very bad idea on my behalf. I didn't even do it the good way by getting it done in stages I wanted bright blonde hair again then and there. It obviously wasn't happening so my hair got ruined, it all broke off right up to my shoulders. It went from just below my boobs to sitting on my shoulders. Which was horrific enough but it wasn't even a real colour, it was orange, and in some bits white and other bits pink, here is a picture of how bad it was. Note the frazzled hair, mismatched colour & just horribleness of it. Since then I've been brown & red alternate until April this year I went back to my natural blonde again professionally. I vow to never let my hair get into this state again, now on to the lovely products. 

 L'oreal Hair Expertise Eversleek No sulphates Smoothing Care System with no silicone Shampoo & Conditioner - Firstly, what a long name these have! Mouth full or what. Secondly they're amazing. This is what L'oreal says: "Specifically designed for coarse and frizzy hair, the EverSleek Smoothing & Nourish range is a Smoothing Care System with non-sulphate cleansing and smooth conditioning care." I say they definitley do what they say they do. I'm not entirely sure what the non sulphate and no silicone do to the hair but they've completely transformed my hair into managable soft, smooth and silky locks. They're £6.99 in Tesco's which is where I got mine from I'm sure they're widely available though. I'm going to get some more from this range when my spending ban is up! 

 Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Intensive mask - Love this. I love the Shampoo & Conditioner to this too. I first bought the Shampoo & Conditioner just as because I was going on holiday to Barcelona in last May and I wanted something hydrating which would counteract the sun drying out my hair and I loved them and the mask is no disappointment either. I love the smell  so much, obviously It's not about the smell but it helps doesn't it! I love drenching my hair in this once or twice a week depending on how my hair has been that week, wrapping my hair in cling film to keep the heat in and sitting for 45 minutes - an hour and it really really makes a difference. This was £4.39 in Tesco's also but I know they're widely available. 

L'oreal Mythic oil - A blogger/YouTube sensation. I like many received this in a Glossy Box last year. I use it every time I wash my hair and It's only just got to the half way point. I love this a lot. I never thought I'd be able to use oils in my hair because it would instantly make it greasy and limp but this one is gorgeous. I use two pumps in my hand rub my hands together and distribute this on the ends of my hair, then air dry/blow dry as normal and my hair is left feeling soft & protected. I've never actually smelt this so I'm not sure on it scent. This can be found for £12.76 on Cheap Smells. Obviously cheaper than argon or Moroccan oil but certainly a good dupe.

John Frieda Sheer Blonde leave in conditioner/heat protection spray - This is incredible. It smells unreal & the fact it's a leave in conditioner as well as a heat protection sold me on this even before I bought it. I'm so lazy it's a known fact & If I had to pick between putting a leave in conditioner on or a heat protector I'd choose the conditioner. The fact this is two in one means I don't have to worry because my love for leave in conditioner will be satisfied and so will my hair from the heat protect. I spay this in my hair when it's wet, air dry/blow dry then also spray some in when it's done & always before straightening and curling too. I can't find this on the Boots website, I'm probably just being really thick it's probably on there but its around £4-6. 

I tend to usually air dry my hair unless I'm in a hurry & only wash it once a week, twice if I'm going out on the town over the weekend. Between washes I use Batiste Dry Shampoo & always try to limit the heat to my hair. I sleep with my hair in a French braid to prevent it pulling/getting tangled in my sleep.  

Does anyone have any hair growth/hair care tips for me?
I'm always up for trying new hair products!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Sunday Summary #7 ♡

There aren't many pictures of my face on my blog so I thought I'd share this one. I was particularly happy with my make-up that day. The lipstick I'm wearing is MAC Rebel.

♡  The spending ban is going well. I'm really struggling though. There is any 3 Lee Stafford for £12 in Boots at the moment and it's taken a lot of will power not to go crazy on products, like serious will power. My boyfriend has practically had to drag me away from the make up counters I feel like a drug addict gone cold turkey. I'm doing well though 8 days I've done so far without buying any sort of beauty product. My boyfriend did buy me a gorgeous vanilla body scrub from Tesco but that doesn't count cause he bought it right? yes. 

ALEX BOX TWEETED ME. Yes, The Alex Box creative director for Illamasqua tweeted me. I adore her, I think she's absolutely beautiful AND she's the reason I've pushed myself to become a make-up artist. She's my Idol career wise and she inspires me every single day. Having her tweeting me makes so much difference to my ambitions and it's made me even more determined to achieve.  

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I've just given in my Christmas list. It's not big. It has 5 items on it accumulating to £85.00 because that's the absolute most I want my Dad to spend on me. I don't need to ask him for Chanel products or expensive clothes and jewellery because If I wanted those things I'd buy them myself. I've asked for things I've wanted for ages and things I've recently wanted. I don't love Christmas for the presents any way. I love it for the atmosphere, the gaudy Christmas lights and how friendly everyone becomes.  I love Christmas for everything in this picture.. 

                                                  I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, Monday tomorrow - BOO. 

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Top 5 Lipsticks ♡

[Sorry for the grubby packaging!] Left - Right: MAC Rebel, Revlon Pink Pout, Barry M 158, Barry M 147, Illamasqua Scandal. 

Left - Right: Illamasqua Scandal, Barry M 147, Barry M 158, Revlon Pink Pout, MAC Rebel. 
I found it particularly easy to pick 5 of my favourite lipsticks because these are the ones that always end up out with me & floating around my bag. I don't tend to use Illamasqua Scandal as much as it's quite expensive and I don't want to waste it all. They're all such wearable colours even though MAC Rebel may look really dark in the tube it turns into such a wearable plum colour & I love wearing it I think It's one of my favourite lipsticks in the world. I think I have a very worrying obsession with lipsticks I don't think there will ever become a point where I think I have enough. Is anyone else like that? 

Short post today, Hope you're all well & enjoying your weekend!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Beauty Blogger Tag ♡


I've seen this tag around on other's blogs for a while and I loved reading about others blog stories so I thought I'd do it myself. I believe Sophia of Tattooed Tealady created this tag so credit to her & check out her blog she's amazing

Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?
I've been blogging for 1 year and 3 months on and off. I started in August 2011 but I've never been really flowing with posts I left my blog for a few months in April for reasons stated here. I started blogging because I'd read blogs and watched YouTube videos for such a long time I really wanted to be apart of it. I firstly considered YouTube but I noticed how much hate the YouTube guru's get and it's so horrible and I don't think I'd be able to cope with daily hate. I decided blogging was my way of getting myself into the online beauty community and the support is so lovely and it's so nice to be able to have my own little place of the internet

Whose blog did you fall in love with first?
Zoella. I adore Zoe. Honestly I adore Louise too. They're both so beautiful and their blogs are so beautifully written. I found Zoe's YouTube videos first then found her blog and I loved it. She's the reason I started my blog. She makes it look so easy that a 'normal' girl can express her feelings on the beauty in the world

What was the first blogosphere hyped about product you bought and was it worth the hype?
There is a lot of products I've tried because of blogs and loved. UD's Naked Palette being the main one. It took me so so long to get hold of one! I ended up having to ask for it for Christmas and it having to be ordered from a different country but I love it and use it almost everyday. Second to that being Real Technique brushes. They're amazing. 

What are your favourite five things about blogging and being a beauty blogger?
1. Having my own place of the internet that's made completely by me and where I can write about whatever and whenever I want. 
2. Knowing that whenever I log on there's lovely comments from lovely supportive people. It's nice to know people read the rambles I post. 
3. Discovering a whole world of different products and being able to hear other honest reviews before you buy something. 
4. Having a interactive hobby. It's so much more for filling than collecting stamps or train spotting isn't it? 
5. Talking and meeting lovely people from all over the world.

What have you learnt from being a beauty blogger?
That most bloggers have the same mind path and are most likely thinking the same way. Also that anyone can be apart of it you don't have to act like something you're not to be successfully. 

Have you changed anything since being a beauty blogger?
Only my bank balance! I've become so poor since blogging. I'd be out and be like 'OOOH I saw that on so and so's blog I must try it' and before you know it you've spent £80 in Boots when you only went in for some face wipes.

What advice would you give to a beauty blogger just starting out?
Be yourself and not try and write like anyone else. Reveal your own personality not what you think will be popular. Don't worry on your followers count because If you enjoy what you write then readers will enjoy too and then follow you. 

Name your top five brands!
Illamasqua, Sleek, NYX, Estee Lauder, MAC.

Recommend your top five favourite beauty products!
Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation, MAC Lipsticks, L'oreal Mythic Hair Oil, NYX Jumbo eye pencils, UD Naked pallette. 

I tag everyone to do this, share your blog story.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Holy Grail Items ♡

These seven items are ones I really can't live without. They're all I really need. If you've noticed there isn't a mascara there because I've never really found one I'm completely happy with I'm still on the perfect mascara hunt. As long as I have these seven items I'll be set for anything.

MAC mineral skin finish in Crystal pink - I'd never used a MSF before I bought this one. I didn't really know what to expect. I fell in love, instantly. It's the perfect blush/bronze shade for my pale skin. I love it alot. I got it over a year ago when the collection (forgotten it's name) came out and I've only just used up the dome part and I use it almost everyday. I also have my eye on soft & gentle but as I'm on my spending ban so It's just going to have to wait. *cries*

Illamasqua pure pigment in Beguile - My first ever Illamasqua product and my favourite. It's a gorgeous white glitter pigment with flecks of mint green & pink. It's absolutely incredible, whenever I'm off out on a night out I add this to my lids & dust some on my cheek bones & chest and I'm ready for a night on the town, it adds so much glamour to any make up look. My night out make up wouldn't be the same without this. For a cheaper alternative try Barry M's glitter dusts. 

Collection lasting perfection concealer - I think everyone who's tried this loves it. It gives the perfect coverage you would need in a concealer and it never creases on me. I've heard it does crease on some people but I've never had that problem. It's a lovely concealer and unless it gets discontinued I'll continue to repurchase.

Collection Extreme 24 hour Pen liner - I love this. There isn't much to say about it. It's the blackest black & it can go over the darkest glitter-est shadows and still be blacker than anything. It's a really overall good eye liner and it's so inexpensive, but also so much better than other more expensive eye liner I've tried in the past. I'll continue to repurchase forever. 

Estee Lauder Double wear - The perfect foundation in my opinion. I cannot rave about this product enough. It's expensive though, the only product that I've found that can 80% match up to it is Revlon Colour Stay. If you love full coverage that won't budge then you'll love double wear. 

MAC Paint pots in Bare Study & Indianwood - I love these. They're the perfect base for almost every eyeshadow look I wear. They're that gorgeous they can be worn alone with no eyeshadow over. I like to blend them both together to make a gorgeous pale gold. Again, these are on the expensive side. Maybeline Colour Tattoo's are a good dupe, so I've heard as I haven't tried those yet. 


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sunday Summary ♡

I got 50 Followers! I'm so happy! Now, I know 50 followers isn't exactly thousands but I'm so happy since the last week I've had twenty new followers. I was stuck on 31 for months so Thank you so much to the 51 of you who've followed me. I hope you stick with me. I feel really proud for hitting that half way to 100 milestone. I don't blog for followers but It feel so nice to see people wanting to read my rambles. Big smiles!

I've had my hair cut tonight by my friend Jade. I love it. She's cut all my frazzled ends off and added lots of choppy layers and a side fringe. I would take a quick picture on my webcam but I'm all tucked in bed and in no fit state to be exposed to the interweb, but I'm loving my new locks & so happy all the dead ends and scraggely bits have been chopped off so it can continue to grow nicely.

Exams. Yes, exams. I think everyone hates exams and I've got my first set next week. In the course I'm doing (Hair & Media Make Up) we have to take exams and practical assessments after every unit which sucks but it's better than having to remember every little detail about every unit until end of year exams because I forget everything. I'm pretty confident for these exams though & they're multiple choice questions so they can't be too hard. 

I'm on a spending ban - BOO! I've decided that I spend too much money on stupid things like alcohol & more make up I don't really need. So from yesterday until new years day I'm not spending any unessesary money on anything and I plan on sticking to it. The only thing I can't back out from is my work Christmas night out because It's already booked. This is going to be so hard but I'm looking forward to treating myself to something nice with all the money I would of saved. 

                    Thankyou so much again for 50 followers! Hope you've all had a good weekend.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

October Favourites ♡

Just a few favourites for this month. Make up wise I've kept everything pretty much the same. I have bought a few new things but late into the month but they'll definitely make my November Favourites. 

Salon Creative Cleansing Raspberry Body Butter - Can you even believe this huge body butter was 99p? It's from the 99p Stores and it smells absolutely fabulous and it's just so moisturising its unreal. I cannot believe it's only 99p. It comes in other scents too, Coconut and Cocoa Butter I think. I've had this for ages but only just started to use it regularly, it's gorgeous.

Batiste Dry Shampoo - I think everyone loves this dry shampoo. If not another scent of it. I usually use the Tropical scent but the last two bottles of it I've bought have been broken I think. Usually when I spray it a white powder comes out doesn't it? But the last few times on the tropical one nothing has came out? Not sure. This scent however is gorgeous & smells lovely. It's the Cherry one & I love it. Does the job, saves my life. I hate washing my hair more than once a week so this is just a life saver.

Superdrug Deep Action Anti-Blemish Gel - I've never been one for expensive skin care because like I've said in previous posts It's just a waste of money because I'll more than likely have an allergic reaction to something in it or my skin will just go worse from it so this is perfect. It was around £2-3 from Superdrug and it works perfectly as an overnight spot treatment. I did buy Lush's Grease Lightening but UGH NO. It made my skin 100% worse. It was horrible.

Lush Popcorn Lip Scrub - I always thought these were really weird. but I couldn't resist this one. It came out  recently with the Halloween or Christmas Collection. They both came out together so I don't know which one it came out with, duh. This tastes amazing like bitter sweet caramel. and does my lips wonders! love.

All Hallows Eve - What I wore.

Hey Beauties, On my Sunday Summary post, I mentioned that I was going out for Halloween dressed as Carrie from the horror movie 'Carrie' and a few of you commented asking me to post pictures of it. I'm never one to dissapoint so here they are. I adapted the make-up a little to make it scarier, in  the film Carrie's face was just bloody but I wanted to add something extra. 

I used: 
- White face paint mixed with the tiniest amount of foundation to make it go on easier and not go patchy.
- Liquid Latex to make open 'wounds' around my eye and cheek. 
- Black and red eye shadows for the dark eyes and wounds.
- I then mixed a dark green with a touch of black eye shadow to go around the wounds to make them look bruised. I also did this in the natural creases of my face too to make myself appear dead.
- Then I smeared fake blood on my face wherever I felt it needed it.
- Lastly I back combed my hair so it was really really big and messy then hair sprayed it for the hold &  I also used a glitter spray just for added glamour as open wounds and black eyes aren't exactly the most girly look to wear out ;) & the dress was just an old white one I had and I just took it into my back garden & attacked it with red food colouring.

Heres some more pictures of the night with friends, I also did their make-up too. 

Zoe & I.
Lauren, Myself & Zoe.

Hope you're all having a good weekend so far, I'm off to work now - boo. 

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Empties #2

Aussie Miracle Moist Shampoo & Conditioner, Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner, VO5 Hot Oil Moisture Soak Elixir, MAC Studio Sculpt Foundation. 

Hey beauties, I've accumulated quite a few empty products this week so I'm doing my second empties post. As you can tell by the pictures I've been loving hair products recently! I'm really trying to grow my hair and get it into a good condition again because for so long It's just been limp, dull & frazzled. My poor locks. 

I really liked using the Aussie Miracle Moist shampoo & conditioner, they weren't anything life changing but I did notice a change in the moisture of my hair. I don't wash my hair a lot, once a week twice maximum but when I do I like to use repairing, moisturising products because being a blonde my hair is subject to bleach, and I got told once the lighter your hair is the more prone to breakages it gets? I'm really unsure of how true that is but it seems to be true with my hair! I'd repurchase both again for sure. I can't remember how much they were but I can guess around £5 each.  

Sticking with Aussie.. (Who doesn't love a bit of Aussie?) and every one I know loves the 3 Minute Miracle reconstructing conditioner and I like it too, I don't love it. I don't feel like it works as well as people make out. I like it as a conditioner, it makes my hair soft don't get me wrong I just don't think it does what it says on the bottle! however I will repurchase it because I love the smell & it works well as a conditioner.

Last hair product is the VO5 Hot Oil Moisture Soak Elixir, I really did love this. It took me a while to buy it. I kept seeing it in Superdrug, pick it up then I'd put it down again but when I saw Lily talk about it in her YouTube video's I bought it the next time I saw it & It didn't disappoint! It was lovely. I used it every other time I washed my hair & It made my hair gorgeously soft & really helped with the frazzled horrible parts of my locks.

Lastly MAC's Studio Sculpt Foundation. My shade is NC15, pale as a ghost I am - Boo. I really love this foundation. It's brilliant coverage however I find it difficult to get it to stay on my face. Easily solved though I just mixed a tiny half pea sized amount of another foundation usually Revlon Colour stay or Estee Lauder Double Wear or anything I know stays well and It's the perfect combination. I'm 100% going to purchase this again. It's a gorgeous foundation, as you can tell by the grubby packaging, mines been well loved. You get 40ml in this which is more than average and I think It's £20-£22. Totally worth it though this tube lasted me ages. 

I hope you all had a lovely Halloween whatever you got up to. My Halloween post is coming up over the weekend & Happy November everyone!