Sunday, 21 October 2012


Hello, hello!...  Again, I've been gone for a few months again. I've just been so so busy - no, really! In September I've started back a College again, I'm finally following my dream of becoming a Make up artist. The course I'm doing is called Hair & Media Make up & so far I'm loving it. It makes me sad that I keep forgetting about my little blog, it doesn't mean I don't love my blog I do, a lot! It's my baby (How could you forget about a baby, Lucie?) but, I've got a few posts lined up that I can't wait to do. I'm just waiting for my boyfriend to give me my camera back & I'll be away! I do hope you're all not getting too bored with me coming in and out of blogging. I'm here to stay now - Pinkie promise!  

Following my dream of becoming a Make up artist has taken up so much of my time and although I'm loving it, I've missed sitting down for an hour typing away about things I love. So I'm going to start blending the loves in my life and make one big loveable circle! - hmm that sounded really 'Hippy'. I've still been reading all the blogs I love and can't wait to find new blogs to read too. I've just been living my life recently, college, working seeing friends, family & my lovely boyfriend and it's been great. At the moment I'm curled up in bed writing this, and watching TOWIE - LOVING Lucy Mecklenburgh's new hair! 

All up to date now; I'll be back soon with some regular posts. Thanks for sticking with me!

Luce, xox

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