Sunday, 28 October 2012

Current Wants ♡

Hey beauties! Is it just me or do we see things we want to buy more when we have no money than when we do? Whenever I have some spare cash to splurge I can never think of what I'd like then end up spending it on crap.. It can't be just me who does this right?! I'm sure all of us are guilty of it. I've spent my whole night drooling over things that I need want on various websites so I thought I'd share them with you all. None of these are fairly new products I just really need want them.

  • L'oreal Expert Intense Repair hair mask: This is really more of a need than a want. I finished my old hair mask so long ago I can't even remember which one it was. That's so bad isn't it. My hair probably hates me right now. This retails for £12.90 so it's not the cheapest hair mask around but I've heard good things about it and really want to give it a try. 
  • Essie Fiji - Everyone raves about this shade on how gorgeous it is and I wasn't really fussed on it to begin with but over time I've fallen in love with it.. badly. 
  • Illamasqua Eurydice Lipstick - Does this even need an explanation  I'm absolutely in love with Illamasqua as a brand even though I only own 3 products it's one of if not my favourite brand I have a huge wish list on their website waiting to be purchased.. Soon my pretties soon you'll be mine (weird?) This is a gorgeous shade of bright pink & the fact it's matte makes it 100% better, I love matte lipsticks all round winner.
  • Illamasqua Gleam in Aurora - Another Illamasqua product, I've heard great things about this highlighter and it looks so beautiful, definitely needs to be purchased immediately. 
  • MAC Angel Lipstick - Every ones favourite nude-pink. I've had my eye on this for about a year but never quite picking it up. It will be mine next time I go into MAC I can imagine it being a great shade for my Cullen-esque skin.
  • MAC Satin Taupe Eye shadow - Again, a colour I've had my eye on for such a long time & never picking up. It's the perfect Autumn/Winter shade in my opinion, it's definitely my cup of tea. 
  • NYX Rust Eye shadow - I love this colour so much. I can imagine it looking beautiful with Satin Taupe, blended together with lashings of mascara, yum.
  • Toni & Guy Sea Salt Spray - I love the salt spray tousled lock look. It's so effortlessly gorgeous and I'm definitely going to pick it up the next time I see it.

Any one else got their eye on anything recently? 


  1. Cute blog!

  2. I bought into the hype and bought the MAC Angel lipstick, and to be honest, I dont particularly like it... I thought it would be more a of pale pick but its got a lot more purple tones in it than I would like. Im sure you will like it better than me though :)

    1. oooh! Thank you for that, that's good to know because It looks really pinky in the picture! :) xxx

  3. Thanks for the words on the Tony & Guy sea salt spray. Been thinking about getting it.

    Also thank you for following, now following back


  4. It took me a long time to get Angel but now I loooove it. Get it!! xx
