Sunday, 28 October 2012

Sunday Summary ♡

1. Well the clocks have gone back now so It's officially my favourite time of year! I absolutely adore this time of year, Halloween, Fireworks night, Christmas & everything that goes with it. I'm not sure why I love the season most people hate but there is just something about going out wrapped in scarves and big coats and then settling down in your favourite PJ's watching films with a hot chocolate, brilliant. 

2. As I said Halloween is coming up and I'm so excited to dress up! Of course I'm not going Trick or Treating this year as I'm 19 but I am dressing up for a night out with my friends. I've decided to dress up as Carrie from the horror movie 'Carrie' because It's quite an easy costume to make & I can really get into the make-up side of it and make myself look really scary!


  1. I dressed up as Carrie a couple of years ago! Hope you had a good night out.

    I hope you don't mind but i've tagged you over on my blog for the Liebster award.


  2. cant wait to see your costume! Do share it!!! :)

    New follower here!

    The Misty Mom

  3. Hi - I love your blog! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award :) x

  4. I love this time of year too - the cold does make you feel all cosy inside and I love wearing winter jumpers! Make up always pulls any costume together - post a pic?
    Feel free to check out my blog : xxx

    1. Thanks for the comment babe, yeah i'll do a post on my costume and make up over the weekend! thanks for following xxxx

  5. Hope you had a fun halloween, I'd love to see your Carrie costume :) I'm a new follower to your blog xx
