Sunday, 28 October 2012

Sunday Summary ♡

1. Well the clocks have gone back now so It's officially my favourite time of year! I absolutely adore this time of year, Halloween, Fireworks night, Christmas & everything that goes with it. I'm not sure why I love the season most people hate but there is just something about going out wrapped in scarves and big coats and then settling down in your favourite PJ's watching films with a hot chocolate, brilliant. 

2. As I said Halloween is coming up and I'm so excited to dress up! Of course I'm not going Trick or Treating this year as I'm 19 but I am dressing up for a night out with my friends. I've decided to dress up as Carrie from the horror movie 'Carrie' because It's quite an easy costume to make & I can really get into the make-up side of it and make myself look really scary!

Current Wants ♡

Hey beauties! Is it just me or do we see things we want to buy more when we have no money than when we do? Whenever I have some spare cash to splurge I can never think of what I'd like then end up spending it on crap.. It can't be just me who does this right?! I'm sure all of us are guilty of it. I've spent my whole night drooling over things that I need want on various websites so I thought I'd share them with you all. None of these are fairly new products I just really need want them.

  • L'oreal Expert Intense Repair hair mask: This is really more of a need than a want. I finished my old hair mask so long ago I can't even remember which one it was. That's so bad isn't it. My hair probably hates me right now. This retails for £12.90 so it's not the cheapest hair mask around but I've heard good things about it and really want to give it a try. 
  • Essie Fiji - Everyone raves about this shade on how gorgeous it is and I wasn't really fussed on it to begin with but over time I've fallen in love with it.. badly. 
  • Illamasqua Eurydice Lipstick - Does this even need an explanation  I'm absolutely in love with Illamasqua as a brand even though I only own 3 products it's one of if not my favourite brand I have a huge wish list on their website waiting to be purchased.. Soon my pretties soon you'll be mine (weird?) This is a gorgeous shade of bright pink & the fact it's matte makes it 100% better, I love matte lipsticks all round winner.
  • Illamasqua Gleam in Aurora - Another Illamasqua product, I've heard great things about this highlighter and it looks so beautiful, definitely needs to be purchased immediately. 
  • MAC Angel Lipstick - Every ones favourite nude-pink. I've had my eye on this for about a year but never quite picking it up. It will be mine next time I go into MAC I can imagine it being a great shade for my Cullen-esque skin.
  • MAC Satin Taupe Eye shadow - Again, a colour I've had my eye on for such a long time & never picking up. It's the perfect Autumn/Winter shade in my opinion, it's definitely my cup of tea. 
  • NYX Rust Eye shadow - I love this colour so much. I can imagine it looking beautiful with Satin Taupe, blended together with lashings of mascara, yum.
  • Toni & Guy Sea Salt Spray - I love the salt spray tousled lock look. It's so effortlessly gorgeous and I'm definitely going to pick it up the next time I see it.

Any one else got their eye on anything recently? 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Huge Make up Haul.

Hello beauties! This post is slightly picture heavy so I'll apologise in advance but I've purchased and I've been given quite a bit of make up recently and wanted to share them with you in all their beauty! I won't babble on any more & show you all the good stuff.
First is a few bits of Cover Girl make up from America, My lovely Auntie kindly brought all this back for me from her Holidays to Florida - Jealous much! I was so happy with the things she chose for me, she's such a babe. I didn't have a receipt from these to tell you the prices as they were a gift but seeing as they are from over seas and not exactly accesable to the UK I didn't think the prices were really that important. They were bought from Walgreens so if you were interested in the prices they're listed here

Two Cover Girl eye shadow palettes which don't have names, 'Clean Sensitive Skin' foundation in classic ivory, which I haven't tried yet but It looks lovely. The infamous Lash Blast mascara which I'm loving & Two lipsticks in the shades Smitten Amoureuse and Everlasting Immortalite both gorgeous deep red/plum shades.

L-R: India Lipstick, Addis Ababa Lip cream, Tickled Cream blush
I also placed an order on the NYX website after drooling over the products for a while. I picked up a Cream blush in Tickled which is a gorgeous coral with shimmer. Jumbo Eye pencil in Milk, a Black label lipstick in India & A soft matte lip cream in Addis Ababa which is a gorgeous bright pink.

I swear I cannot go into Superdrug without buying something, It's starting to get out of hand. I really wanted to get my hands on the Volume Million Lashes Excess so I popped into superdrug to pick it up and came out with all this. I picked up the new Max Factor Face Finity foundation which claims to be a primer, a concealer and a foundation in one and its pretty good so far I got shade Warm Almond which I think is the lightest. Then I noticed Barry M have a new range of 'Ultra Moisturising' Lipsticks so I obviously needed to try them.. I got the shade 158 swatched above. Then I just picked up another 17 Glow bronzer because I hit pan on my old one. 

I hadn't had a good 'drug store' splurge in such a long time that was well over due! 

*Disclaimer: Everything shown was purchased with my own money unless stated otherwise.

Sensitive Skin care: Beauty on a budget.

Hello beauties, I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned (sarcasm..) but I have really sensitive skin, so sensitive to the point I can't even indulge on luxury lotions and potions because I'd just go all red and blotchy, which being so in love with all things beauty is so depressing. I've had to find alternatives in most areas of skin care.

The new Johnson's range is right up my street. I was actually scared trying this because as you can see, the cleanser says 'for normal skin' so I was thinking it'd break me our severely but as it happens it's done the opposite! It's cleared the little break out I had right up! Which makes me a very happy girl. I bought these on a whim to be honest. I'd just had a severe allergic reaction to Eyelash tint in college and needed a really gentle eye make-up remover so I picked this one up. Then noticed they were on offer '2 for £3.99' in Superdrug, so I picked up the cleanser too. 

They're both really lovely products and being so cheap is a bonus. It's  real shame for me that I can't splurge on expensive skin care but at least this keeps my bank balance happy! So if you suffer from sensitive skin like me, give these a try! I noticed in Superdrug they also do a Nourishing cleansing lotion for Dry skin which would obviously be lovely for ladies with dry & sensitive skin. Even if you don't suffer from a specific skin type which restricts you from a whole world of skin care but you're just a beauty lover on a budget, check these out! 


Monday, 22 October 2012

17 Blemish Balm.

My initial thoughts: The packaging is really sleek and the tube means you can get more product out of it rather than a bottle which is appreciated in this day and age, I hate having to throw away a product when I know there is still enough product for a few more uses but you can't get to it because you'd need to smash the bottle! In this tube you get 30ml which is the same amount you get in most foundations which usually last me around 3 months.

The formula of this BB cream is really thick, but light weight to the skin. However the colour range is very poor. I'm extremely light skinned a NC15 in MAC foundations and although I bought this in the shade 'light' it definitely wasn't light. This can be easily fixed with a setting powder in my normal lighter shade.

 The application of the BB cream was really nice, it blended into my skin really well although this product didn't have the nicest smell, it wasn't too strong and didn't last once blended. The coverage was pretty decent, I'm usually a full coverage kind of girl and although this isn't full, full coverage it's medium/buildable and it does build really well. On the tube it says that it helps improve skin condition and although I didn't notice that on my skin it's still a really nice product.

I gave this BB cream the ultimate test, I wore it to work; I work in a Bakery which gets so so hot that sometimes my make up doesn't last more than two hours. I applied the BB cream, set it with a face powder and went to work and I was really impressed with the staying power of it. It lasted through an 8 hour shift! I only paid £4.99 for this so I wasn't expecting miracles and it was really nice to wear in such a humid and stuffy atmosphere it kept my skin feeling really fresh and lightweight, very impressive for a £4.99 BB cream.

Overall this is a really nice affordable BB cream, it didn't make me break out which 'drug store' foundations usually do and it provides brilliant staying power. This is the first BB cream I've tried and I can't wait to try more!

Hope you've all had a lovely day!
Lucie xox

Sunday, 21 October 2012


Hello, hello!...  Again, I've been gone for a few months again. I've just been so so busy - no, really! In September I've started back a College again, I'm finally following my dream of becoming a Make up artist. The course I'm doing is called Hair & Media Make up & so far I'm loving it. It makes me sad that I keep forgetting about my little blog, it doesn't mean I don't love my blog I do, a lot! It's my baby (How could you forget about a baby, Lucie?) but, I've got a few posts lined up that I can't wait to do. I'm just waiting for my boyfriend to give me my camera back & I'll be away! I do hope you're all not getting too bored with me coming in and out of blogging. I'm here to stay now - Pinkie promise!  

Following my dream of becoming a Make up artist has taken up so much of my time and although I'm loving it, I've missed sitting down for an hour typing away about things I love. So I'm going to start blending the loves in my life and make one big loveable circle! - hmm that sounded really 'Hippy'. I've still been reading all the blogs I love and can't wait to find new blogs to read too. I've just been living my life recently, college, working seeing friends, family & my lovely boyfriend and it's been great. At the moment I'm curled up in bed writing this, and watching TOWIE - LOVING Lucy Mecklenburgh's new hair! 

All up to date now; I'll be back soon with some regular posts. Thanks for sticking with me!

Luce, xox