Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sunday Summary: 002

001: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe it's 2012 already. I'm SO glad 2011 is over, I had so many personal problems this year that completely ruined the year for me, although I had some amazing memories like starting LucieKate101 and turning 18, seeing Justin Bieber in concert and seeing The Risk live twice the rest middle of my year was just so awful, I started this blog just as my problems were getting better and I'm so glad I did. In 2012 I want my blog to grow more and more. I'm currently working on getting a decent camera to take nice photo's because at the moment I'm snapping on my Blackberry and the quality is awful. I have some personal resolutions like loosing weight, being more organised & qualifying as a make-up artist, but my blogging resolution is to make this blog amazing & carry on with it because I  love posting! 

002: I've been saving so much money recently; I'm not sure if I mentioned in a past post about going on a huge shopping spree with my lovely boyfriend in January and we're going on the 20th so I'm saving loads, I've worked ALL Christmas and I've saved every penny, half of it was double time so I'll be rolling in it come pay day! I can't wait to go on a big spree, don't worry guys I'll do hauls! I've already started a list of what I want to buy from MAC, and I know I'll probably get people thinking that's a lot of stuff when I do show it, but I'm telling you, I worked my butt off for this money, it's all hard earned! :) 

003: To kick start my organisation resolution i'm going out this week and buying a 7 drawer storage tower thing from Argos & getting rid of my tatty old dressing table which I HATE with a passion & I'm going to scan charity shops to find a nice one and then sand it and re varnish it & whatever you do it, but for now the plastic drawers will do. :) 

004: I got the naked palette for Christmas and I'm absolutely in LOVE with it. I've used it every single day since and I've done so so many looks with it, it's truly gorgeous & so worth the money! I also love the primer potion which I've never tried before I got the palette and I go MAC's paint pot in Indian wood which is also so beautiful! when I get my shiny new camera I'm going to do FOTD's and all sorts, I can't wait! 

*Image taken from tumblr, all credit to the photographer. 

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