Friday, 6 January 2012

Primark Haul.

Hey loves, I went to my local Primark today & picked up a few things and I thought I'd show you all what I got. I'm loving Primark at the moment, there's some gorgeous dresses in there! I love the part of the year where its in between seasons I shop loads at that time!

Black dress: £10 Coral dress: £15
Cream Bag: £6 2 Pairs of black leggings: £3 each.

Cream Alice band: £1.50 Dolly Bows: £2 each.
Black Tights: £2.50 


  1. I really like the quilted pumps! I really need to buy some new ones this year as the ones I have are well loved and falling apart. I hate it when shops are in between seasons - I can't justify buying summer clothes in the winter when it's so cold lol but then if I don't I know I'll regret it if I can't find it again in the summer xx

  2. You should definitely get the pumps they're so comfy! I wore them out last night & they were lovely to wear :) I agree it can be a bit hit and miss with the summer wear because once its there you can never find it again when it's actually summer one downside to Primark right there! xx

  3. Love your blog, So funny that we blogged about the same dress, If u have time stop by and check out x

  4. The two dresses are so pretty! I really wish I could live in England, Primark seems like such an AMAZING shop ~
