Wednesday, 11 January 2012

January Wishlist.

Every time I see a product I say to myself or someone I'm with 'Oh, I need this in my life' and these are the items I really do NEED at the moment, I don't think I can carry on in 2012 without these products so, this is my current wish/to-buy list.

 Vera Wang - Princess Night perfume. 
♥ Black Wedge Platform Heel Boots - Miss guided. 
♥ Trace Gold Sheer tone blush - MAC.
♥ M.A.C Red lipstick - MAC.
♥ Pink Plaid lipstick - MAC.
♥ Rebel Lipstick - MAC. 
♥ Essential Brush kit - Sigma. 
♥ Warrior DVD. 
♥ Estee Lauder Double wear maximum cover foundation. 

I hope to gain these in my life soon. 


  1. I have pink plaid and I love it. Its a gorgeous colour.

    I love smell of the Princess Night Perfume.

    Lovely blog hunni


  2. @Jane thanks for the comment sweetie :) & i agree my friend has it and i envy her lips everytime she wears it! xx
