Sunday, 29 January 2012

FOTD: Orange smoulder.

Products used:
Mac Stuido Sculpt foundation NW15
HD Brow Kit.
Black from Manly palette e/s
Sleek storm palette (black) e/s
Sleek sunset palette (orange) e/s
Orange from Manly palette e/s
Collection 2000 felt tip liner.
Daniel Sandler Jumbo Jet mascara.
17 cashmere blush lipstick.
Mac blush trace gold.


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Queen of Hearts.

This is a dress I hand made out of an hold t-shirt and a lot of paper. As I've mentioned before I do Fashion Retail in College at the moment and we do a lot of visual merchandising and I was given the task to design a eye catching display for a valentines window & this along with huge hanging birdcages filled with roses & love birds is what I came up with. 

The dress was made by an old t-shirt cut into an A-symmetrical dress in which heart shaped paper was pinned and glued to make the heart/butterfly-esque  bodice and the skirt made with folded paper. It took around 2-3 hours to make and I love it. 

This was my inspiration for the dress. I absolutely adore Thierry Mugler & the dress he designed for Lady Gaga amazes me, it's gorgeous and It's inspired me for many different projects for years! 

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Sunday Summary: 004

001: I posted in one of my last posts that I'd be going shopping in Liverpool this weekend and I did go shopping but not in Liverpool. It was just way too windy and I didn't want to get on a train with the weather so bad so I do have two hauls coming, a MAC one and a Primark one!

002: I'm very proud to announce my best friend Sarah gave birth to a 9 day over due princess on the 20th! She's named Poppy Grace and she is absolutely beautiful! I love her to bits.

003: I'm currently posting on my iPod in bed watching Matilda! Its such a good film! When I was younger I used to pretend to be Matilda and drag books round on a trailer like she did, yeah I know, I was cute.


Tuesday, 17 January 2012


MAC Studio Sculpt Foundation - NW15 
MAC Studio Careblend Pressed Powder - Light
Bourjois 'Chocolate Bronzer' 

MAC paintpot - Bare Study & Indian Wood. 
Sin E/S (over barestudy)
Sidecar E/S (Over Indian Wood)
Half-baked E/S (Over Indian Wood)
Smog E/S (Over Indian Wood)
Collection 2000 Extreme 24 Hour felt tip liner
Soap & Glory smoulder khol liner
Rimmel Scandal-eyes Mascara.

17 lipstick - Cashmere Blush.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Sunday Summary: 003

001: I'm ill :( well, partly because I'm hungover, but I have aches all over my body, my feet hurt from working and I feel sick and have a permanent headache. I hate being ill, it makes me so moody. Really hope it's just the hangover and I'm not coming down with something.

002: I'm thinking of getting weave. I have short-ish hair and I really like the idea of weave. I know a mobile hairdresser that would do it for me at a discount price too so I think I'll have lovely long locks in the near future, so I can do so much more with my hair! I think short hair makes my face look fatter also.

003: I've also decided to have a few new tattoo's and piercings I've wanted for a while soon, either this month  if not definitely in Feb. Which I'm excited for! I have 5 tattoo's by the way if anyone wanted to know! :-)


Mini Boots Haul.

♥ - 17 Sheer Moisture Lipstick in the shade Cashmere blush. I love 17 lipsticks, they're so nice and they last ages on your lips and this is no acception, they're so affordable this one was £4.29 which is so reasonable for a lipstick. The colour is gorgeous & I love it, I've had my eye on this for a while but some reason never picked it up but now I'm glad I did.

♥ - Soap & Glory Smoulder Khol pencil eyeliner in Black. I hate to admit it, but I'm a S&G virgin, yes that's correct, I've never tried any of the skincare line or the make-up range, I'm affraid the body stuff will irritate my skin as it's SO sensitive so I didn't want to risk it & I'd just not gotten round to buying any of their make-up yet, but I watched Steph's Pixie Lott make-up tutorial and she used this eyeliner and I fell in love with it, the way it just glided onto Steph's waterline was so amazing & This liner is waterproof aswell. It was a reasonable price of £5.00 and  I cannot wait to use it properly! (Second line on the swatches hand.) 

♥ - Collection 2000 Extreme 24 hour felt tip liner in black. I've heard every blogger & every youtuber rave about this eyeliner for ages! I had a felt tip liner from e.l.f not so long ago and I loved it but I lost it on a night out & never replaced it so I'm hoping to like this one just as much as I liked e.l.f's one & This one is cheaper than the e.l.f one as it's only £2.99 when the other is £3.50, such a good price! (First line on the swatches hand.) 

♥ - Natural Collection pressed powder in Cool. I love this! I bought one a week ago to back up my Careblend pressed powder by MAC as I can't get to MAC for another week and it's running out & it was only £1.99 but horribly, I went out last night & mine fell out of my bag and smashed and its not even useable now so I bought a new one. This powder is so good for the price, it makes my face look flawless whichever foundation I use, LOVE it. 

♥  - 17 Fast Finish Nail Polish in Knockout Red. I love this, as I say with every product but I do! I put it on my nails as soon as I got home & It's gorgeous & only £2.99?! It's such good quality and my other red nail polish had dried up a while ago and I never repurchased another one but I love this & I'll get loads of use out of it! 

P.S finally getting a good shopping spree in Liverpool on friday(20th Jan) so expect to see some Hauls after then! 

Friday, 13 January 2012

Comfort food for your hair?

Ever wanted that perfect shampoo & conditioner that smells like it would 'taste' amazing for your hair? THIS is that duo. Catwalk by TiGi Oatmeal & Honey Shampoo & Conditioner. They are amazing for dry, damaged and hair that needs a bit of TLC. The price varies from where you buy them from. I bought both of mine here
the shampoo is £11.95 and the conditioner is £13.95 for the salon sized 750ml which I think is such a bargain price. They smell absolutely gorgeous - good enough to eat in fact. On the bottle it says 'Comfort food for your hair' and it really is! My hair has been so soft & shiny since I've used these, even my mum who's used the same shampoo & conditioner for years has had a go of these and she loves them! My hair is really damaged from excess bleaching when I was younger and I've used many many treatments and these have really helped lately. Definitely worth the money & you can get smaller sizes if you just want to give this ago! but I do recommend buying from because you do save loads rather than buying from other places.

Can anyone recommend any other nourishing  shampoos, conditioners or treatments?

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

January Wishlist.

Every time I see a product I say to myself or someone I'm with 'Oh, I need this in my life' and these are the items I really do NEED at the moment, I don't think I can carry on in 2012 without these products so, this is my current wish/to-buy list.

 Vera Wang - Princess Night perfume. 
♥ Black Wedge Platform Heel Boots - Miss guided. 
♥ Trace Gold Sheer tone blush - MAC.
♥ M.A.C Red lipstick - MAC.
♥ Pink Plaid lipstick - MAC.
♥ Rebel Lipstick - MAC. 
♥ Essential Brush kit - Sigma. 
♥ Warrior DVD. 
♥ Estee Lauder Double wear maximum cover foundation. 

I hope to gain these in my life soon. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Day to day behaviour: Mini Haul.

Me & my boyfriend being as cute as can be went for a meal and a bit of shopping today, we were going to go to our local Weatherspoons but as we were walking there this man stopped us and asked if we'd buy a discount card for a Liverpool charity and the discount card could be used at many bars, restaurants & shops it was £3 for 3 months or £5 for a year & because we were like 'errm' he said we could have the yearly one for £3 so we bought it, and it had a 25% off your bill at pizza hut so we went there and my my did we have a feast! We had a started platter, a 14" stuffed crust pizza & a desert each for £27.70, BARGAIN.

My cookie dough desert, how beautiful?! 
I went to Lush, I sadly didn't get to go to Lush whilst the sale was on and now it's all back to normal but I needed to restock on some favourites.

Phoenix Rising Bath Ballistic.
Comforter Bubble Bar.
Honey I washed The Kids Soap.
These are three Lush products are ones I'd buy again and again as long as Lush keep making them! I need them to survive. 

I also had a Boots £5 off No.7 voucher that I needed to spend & I'd heard a lot about these so I thought I'd pick them up & I only ended up paying £2 for them, I used them to take my make-up off earlier and they're lovely to use, and I love the packaging. 

- I got a package through the door this morning which I'll be reviewing soon, keep your eyes pealed!

Sunday, 8 January 2012


Products Used: 
 Estee Lauder Double wear Foundation - Shell 
Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation - NW15 
E.L.F Concealer - Apricot Beige 
Mac Care blend Powder -Light 
Sleek Brow Kit (just the gel) - Light 
HD Brow kit - Foxy 
Illamasqua Pure Pigment - Beguile 
Models Own Pigment - Pearl 
 Models Own Pigment - Grey/Black 
Naked Palette - Creep 
Sleek Blush - Rose Gold 
Bourjois - 'Chocolate Bronzer' 
Bourjois  16 hour Eye liner -  Black. 
 Rimmel Exaggerate Liquid Eye liner - 100% Black 
Barry M L ip Paint - 62 Shocking Pink
Rimmel Scandal eyes Mascara - Black
Urban Decay Primer Potion


Friday, 6 January 2012

Primark Haul.

Hey loves, I went to my local Primark today & picked up a few things and I thought I'd show you all what I got. I'm loving Primark at the moment, there's some gorgeous dresses in there! I love the part of the year where its in between seasons I shop loads at that time!

Black dress: £10 Coral dress: £15
Cream Bag: £6 2 Pairs of black leggings: £3 each.

Cream Alice band: £1.50 Dolly Bows: £2 each.
Black Tights: £2.50 

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sunday Summary: 002

001: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe it's 2012 already. I'm SO glad 2011 is over, I had so many personal problems this year that completely ruined the year for me, although I had some amazing memories like starting LucieKate101 and turning 18, seeing Justin Bieber in concert and seeing The Risk live twice the rest middle of my year was just so awful, I started this blog just as my problems were getting better and I'm so glad I did. In 2012 I want my blog to grow more and more. I'm currently working on getting a decent camera to take nice photo's because at the moment I'm snapping on my Blackberry and the quality is awful. I have some personal resolutions like loosing weight, being more organised & qualifying as a make-up artist, but my blogging resolution is to make this blog amazing & carry on with it because I  love posting! 

002: I've been saving so much money recently; I'm not sure if I mentioned in a past post about going on a huge shopping spree with my lovely boyfriend in January and we're going on the 20th so I'm saving loads, I've worked ALL Christmas and I've saved every penny, half of it was double time so I'll be rolling in it come pay day! I can't wait to go on a big spree, don't worry guys I'll do hauls! I've already started a list of what I want to buy from MAC, and I know I'll probably get people thinking that's a lot of stuff when I do show it, but I'm telling you, I worked my butt off for this money, it's all hard earned! :) 

003: To kick start my organisation resolution i'm going out this week and buying a 7 drawer storage tower thing from Argos & getting rid of my tatty old dressing table which I HATE with a passion & I'm going to scan charity shops to find a nice one and then sand it and re varnish it & whatever you do it, but for now the plastic drawers will do. :) 

004: I got the naked palette for Christmas and I'm absolutely in LOVE with it. I've used it every single day since and I've done so so many looks with it, it's truly gorgeous & so worth the money! I also love the primer potion which I've never tried before I got the palette and I go MAC's paint pot in Indian wood which is also so beautiful! when I get my shiny new camera I'm going to do FOTD's and all sorts, I can't wait! 

*Image taken from tumblr, all credit to the photographer.