Monday, 29 August 2011

Sunset Vs. Storm - Sleek style.

I had a couple of hours before work this morning so I nipped into Superdrug and bought two Sleek Eyeshadow Palettes. I know they're not new, but Ive just started developing my collection into palettes and so on.. So I got two Sleek ones..

Sunset: which looks like this.. (with flash)

I really like this palette althogh it only has one matte colour which is the black one! BUT it's a really nice shimmery palette. I cannot choose a favorite colour on this one because they're all absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to start using it properly, and it was an absolute bargain at £6.49 from Superdrug as I said :) Ive seen alot of people with the Storm but Ive not seen alot of people with Sunset, I have no idea why because i prefer this one to strom! The blue in the top corner is gorgeous and such a beautiful shimmer, All of the colours look a lot lighter on that picture but I've done some swatches for you so you can see the colours better!

First row..
Second row..

The colours come off so much nicer on the swatches, I blame my dodgy lighting!

Storm: which looks like this.. (with flash):

The storm palette is a favorite in everyones eyes! and its rightfully gorgeous! I ADORE all of the top row, they're my favorite 'look' to use on my eyes, i LOVE 'natural' colours, gold, beige, brown, ect. I think they look the best on me. Although I am getting braver and using more and more bright colours, but this palette is beautiful and it has 3 matte colours, 3rd one in, 11th and 12th, wich is a tan/nude, a brown and black. which are the best colours to be matte if im honest and again at £6.49 a bargain! the only thing with both these palettes i wish they came with an eyeshadow brush instead of the applicators because I never use the applicators and I think I'd much benefit from an actual brsh more! but hey for £6.49 I can't complain! Plus I have eyeshadow brushes of my own to use! I do have a favorite colour on this one its the 5th colour! top row, number 5, it's the nicest color ever and of course here are the swatches.

Row 1..
Second row..

I adore both of these palettes and I've got high hopes for when I start using them properly!
I'll be blogging some looks that I do with them soon!

Stay tuned! Much love, Luce xoxox


  1. I wish I could bux them in Croatia :/ lovely new blog :))

  2. Ooh I'm a big fan of the Sleek Palettes- I just did a post on my 2 most recent palette purchases too. I'm definitely going to check out Sunset next time I'm in Superdrug! x

  3. Love the sleek palettes - such good value for money. Great review :).

    Helen, X

  4. loving your blog :) xxxx
