Monday, 29 August 2011

What a 'Lush' bath..

Hey lovers!

I've just been for the most AMAZING bath ever. It's been a long and boring bank-holiday for me! I've worked all weekend in my crappy part time job in a bakery [sayer], believe me, when I say crappy.. I mean crappy. BUT I'm only there for money whilst I'm in College :) so anyway, I was exhausted after a busy short-staffed shift so I decided to have a bath using my ever growing collection of Lush Cosmetics bath stuff, and It was gorgeous! I used..
Marzibain Bubble Bar - This is gorgeous! It smells just like marizipan with a REAL almond in the centre. & its a bargain at only £2.90/$6.95 on or it smells absolutely beautiful and creates gorgeous bubbles, [pics coming ..] I also used..

Space Girl Bath Ballistic - This has got to be one of my most perchased thing at Lush. Its only £1.90!! or $4.95 in the USA. It smells like the little round purple sweets we used to get as kids! and it's a gorgeous smell and the gold glitter flickers in your bath water making it look so so pretty and it's perfect for when you just want a nice long soak and float of into another galaxy!
& Finally..

Twilight Bath Ballistic - Now.. These have the most BEAUTIFUL effect on them when they're fizzing away & I'll add a picture of that in action, but seriously they're so cute. & HUGE aswell I cut mine into halves and just use one half beacause I like to mix my baths.. as you can tell! :) so half is perfect, these have the most gorgeous sweetie floral sent and the colours are amazing!
Photo's of the bath in action.

^ Twilight in action.. Look at those colours!!

Soo, there we go.. My 'Lush' bath!
I'll have more beauty-makeup things up soon! just trying to find the time to sit and do some looks!

Much love! Luce, xoxox


  1. I love Lush products!! They are so good! :)

    P.s. U are Welcome to check out my fashion blog!

  2. I need some Lush in my life!

  3. I love lush, all their products smell amazing!!

