Monday, 5 September 2011

Work, College & Managing a shop?

Hey everyone! I'm soo happy i've got 9 followers.. I didnt think i'd get ANY so thankyou! :) This is just a quick update on my life at the moment! Over the summer i worked.. LOADS -.- it was driving me mental, specially as i hate the stupid job, but at the end of it, its money i need to live off whilst im in college. In college I study Fashion & Retail, I love it, it's amazing, last year the course was mainly assignment work, with a few trips to Liverpool and London mixed in, which i love anyway and alot of fashion shows! but this year its all practial work and no writing :) ! so, this year we'll be running our own shop in the college selling beauty items and food & stationary.. im really excited, i went over the stock today & weve got some gorgeous stuff, and these gorgeous body butters i want to blog about! so i'm really excited for that! other than that ive had a few personal problems that i wont go in to :) and seeing my beautiful friends of course. any ideas on what i can blog about next? review? whats in my makeup bag? college beauty essestials? comment and let me know!

Love, Luce xoxox.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the followers hunny, I love the look of your blog, you deserve them. I'm following TOO many people at the mo, ha! But once I sort through them I will pop back and follow. :) xxx
