Monday, 13 August 2012

Wishlist #3

Origins Zero Oil Deep Pore Cleanser, Mulberry Cookie purse, Models Own - Bubblegum, Moroccan Oil Deep Hair Mask, POP Beauty blush beam. 
- I've wanted the Origins Zero Oil cleanser for a few weeks now since wanting a new skincare regime because right now mines pretty much none existent. I really hope it's everything everyone makes it out to be because I really need something to take on my oily skin.

- The Mulberry cookie purse is a complete wish item, if I ever get to a financial position to spend so much on a purse, a Mulberry will be the one, this one is so gorgeous, the bags that go along with it in the collection are stunning too - I can't seem to find them anywhere though, has the collection been discontinued? 

- Bubblegum is such a pretty colour and It's one i've looked at but never actually bought so i'm thinking of picking it up when I go into town. I had a rimmel one in a similar colour which has just dried up.. Boo!

- I've saw someone mention this hair mask in their haircare routine and I've wanted it ever since, my hair is really dull and damaged at the moment and I want to see if it helps!

- POP beauty Blush beam is so gorgeous, and alot of youtube guru's have been talking about pop's products lately, they can be found on ASOS! & This blush beam is so gorgeous and I really want to get my paws on it. It comes in two shades which are both so nice.


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