Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Empties #1

Morrison's nail polish remover, Clearasil rapid action pads, Lee Stafford 'My big fat healthy hair' Shampoo, Justin Bieber 'Someday' perfume, Superdrug's Solait fake tan foam. 
I've been loving watching/reading empties videos & posts recently so I thought I'd do my own! First is the Morrison's own brand nail polish remover, it was okay.. Nothing special it did its job, but I have a new amazing nail polish remover I'm planning on doing a post about soon so heads up on that one! Next is the Clearasil rapid action pads, these were so disappointing! I expected them to actually work because I've loved clearasil stuff in the past. I've had these ages now, I stopped using them because they weren't doing anything for my skin & now they've dried out - BOO.

However, Lee Stafford's 'My big fat healthy hair' was brilliant, not at cleaning my hair, no - cleaning my make-up brushes! I know this seems like an odd product to clean make-up brushes with, but it works a treat at getting all the build up of foundation/gel eyeliner off brushes & makes them smell amazing too! I liked it on my hair don't get me wrong but it left my hair feeling really weighed down.

Justin Bieber's Someday perfume, well what can I say, a complete guilty pleasure product & I adored it. Justin Bieber may not be everyones 'cup of tea' but his perfumes smell amazing & are really worth the money! I have his newest one at the moment & it smells like skittles it's so gorgeous. Thumbs up to the Biebs on his perfume lines.

Lastly, Superdrug's own brand Solait fake tannig foam, I got this a while ago because I normally use Xen-tan religiously but I ran out & needed some more fake tan urgently so I picked this one up & I loved it. The smell was awful, but the tan its self was lovely & long lasting! It's one of those apply, wait till the morning & then wash off the excess to reveal a gorgeous tan ones & Ive just repurchased this but in the Gel form and I think I prefer the foam personally & it's really cheap! - £5.99 from Superdrug.



  1. my friends swear by the superdrug tan! must pick one up for myself to try :)

    1. it's a really nice tan! i'm super pale & the medium/dark shade is perfect for me :) x

  2. Hey, As a new follower of you... I wanted to tag you in a post :)
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