Sunday, 2 December 2012

Sunday Summary #8.

- I have pink hair! Well, It's more purple in reality but it photographs more pink. I love it, so much. I used Directions dye in Lavender, Carnation pink & Blue lagoon to create my own shade. I mixed a drop of each colour with lots of white conditioner to make it a pastel colour & I'm really pleased with the outcome.

- I'm single. Me & my boyfriend decided to split up this week. It's really sad & I'm really gutted but it's for the best. We ended on good terms & are friends. Every ending is a new beginning as they say. 

- I'm loving how intense X-factor is at the moment. I really want Jahmene Douglas to win. He's so so so sweet. James Arthur is a close second though he's amazing! Do you like xfactor? I personally prefer xfactor USA the talent of ALL of the contestants is unreal, and it has nothing to do with Demi Lovato being a judge HONEST ;). 

Hope you've all had a nice weekend!


  1. Awwr I hope you are okay chick!! If you need a chat or anything - I'm only a tweet away :)


  2. Your hair looks amazing :) I want to go pink but am too scared !

    1. Thank you! :) maybe try dipdye first see if you like it? :) xxx

  3. gorgeous hair makes me miss my pink lol x
