Monday, 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012 ♡

How can 2012 nearly be over already? So much has happened in 2012 and honestly it's all been bad. 2012 has not been my year at all, I can't wait for this year to end. I have some big dreams for 2013 and it can't be any worse than this year has been. In 2012 I lost someone very close to my heart, went through ultimate changes and a break up. I'm pleased I've made it through & I'm looking forward to 2013.

2013 is all about me. Time for me to be selfish and change my life & the people in it to make me the happiest I can be. I've set some goals/resolutions that I intend on sticking to. I want to learn to love again, I want to learn to love myself again. Concentrate on my family, friends & career. I want to grab any opportunity that comes my way instead of saying 'I better not' I want to start saying 'Why not?' I want to keep everyone I love and maybe add some more loved ones as the year progresses. 

Thank you for all your support through 2012, I've met so many lovely people through my little blog & I'll see you all again in January! 

Please be good to me 2013, 
Love Lucie 

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Soap & Glory; Sugar Crush Collection. ♡

Hello everyone, & Merry Christmas! I hope you've all had a lovely, relaxing & spoilt Christmas and are looking forward to 2013, I certainly am! 

Today, I want to express my love for Soap & Glory's Sugar Crush line. This is the first S&G product's I've ever used *blogger shock I know!* but I never really tried anything before and I was scared it'd all irritate my skin. This stuff is amazing. The smell is devine. I bought myself the body buttercream a few weeks ago & I've used nearly half a tub already, now I've never been one to religiously butter my skin but with the smell of this I just want to drown myself in it. I got the body wash & scrub for Christmas from my Auntie along with the Calm one, Calm all bubble bath & Mist you madly bodyspray, which are both gorgeous. 

I can honestly say I will not get tired of this scent for a long long time. The lime/citrus in it is so strong and long lasting I cannot get enough. It's definately persuading me to try other products too which I may treat myself to some bits this weekend, yay shopping. 

Body Butter: £10.50
Body Wash: £6.50
Body Scrub: £8.00

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Holly Jolly Christmas Tag!

1. Favourite Christmas Movie? 
Elf, The Grinch, Jack Frost, Miracle on 34th street.. The usual ones.

2. Are you on the Naughty list or the Nice list?
Nice hopefully! I've not done anything overly naughty this year. 

3. Show us an embarrassing Christmas Card photo! (WE KNOW YOU HAVE ONE OK)
Ahh, we don't do Christmas card photo's in the UK. I don't know anyone who does. I think it might be an American tradition.

4. Have you ever had a White Christmas?
YES! When I was around 13 I think, It was pretty epic.

5. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
My Nana's house.

6. Play or Sing your favorite Christmas Song!

7. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
I used to always open one (Christmas PJ's) But I'm not going to this year.

8. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Vixen, Blitzen, Dasher, Doner, Cupid & Rudolph!

9. What holiday tradition are you looking forward to most this year?
CHRISTMAS DINNER. Totally completely Christmas dinner all the way.

10. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake, I don't like the smell or the messiness of the real ones.

11. Hands down, what's your all-time favorite holiday food and holiday sweet treat?
Pigs in blankets anyone? 

12. Be Honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
Giving, all the way. I love planning the presents,wrapping them extravagantly and then watching them open it! ahh, love. Of course I like to receive gifts too, but giving feels so much nicer. 

13. Show us your tackiest Christmas attire (ex: Ugly Sweater)
I don't have one, and I don't think I ever have? I usually just wear the clothes I received as presents on Christmas day.

14. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
New York or London, any big busy city really.

15. Does your family have a special holiday recipe you like to help make?
Not really no, oh this is sad. When I have my own family I'm going to start loads of lovely traditions!

16. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably? 
I'm a total pro. So much so that my parents used to ask me to wrap all the presents they'd bought for other people too. I love doing it aswell! 

17. Most Memorable Holiday moment? 
Oh god, It was probably when I was little and got some crazy toy! I don't remember though. & Also last christmas, it was the last one I'd spend with my mum, Although I didn't know that then I'll cherish it forever *soppy answer* 

18. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
I don't remember, I asked my Dad about this earlier & he doesn't remember either. I think I just grew out of it.

19. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Nope, never. Every year I say I'm going to stick to them & don't, but I will this year *pinky swear*

20. What makes the Holidays special for you?
Family time, Lights, Food & everyone being happy.

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Hello beautiful people, my work's Christmas party was last night & this is how I wore my make up. 

Products used: 
Estee Lauder Double wear & MAC Studio Sculpt foundation.
Collection Concealer.
Rimmel stay matte powder
Rimmel brow pencil 'hazel'
Urban Decay Naked palette 'half baked'
Sleek Storm palette black e/s
E.Cosmetic's gold glitter.
Katy Perry Lashes 'cool kitty'
MAC Tracegold blush.
Max Factor Ruby Tuesday lipstick.

I really love the way this turned out & It made me feel very festive. I wore a Black Velvet peplum top & Gold glitter leggings & black and gold flats.

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend & looking forward to Christmas! 

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Maybelline Fit Me Foundaton: ♡

This foundation. I have a love/hate relationship with. I love how lightweight it is, but the colour range is awful. This is the lightest shade and it's really orange on me. I wish 'drug store' foundations had more of a colour range. It really spoils a good foundation. 

Leaving the only negative behind, I do quite like this foundation. I got this free sample from the Maybelline website as I really wanted to try it but I was on my spending ban so finding out they were giving out samples was like a dream! You get 10mls in this little tube and this is meant to last a week but I've had it for around two weeks now and I'm only half way through. 

The coverage on this is medium/buildable and the formula is really lightweight you cannot even feel it on the skin so it's nice to build it up knowing you won't end up cakey. As I said about the colour it's not great, this claims to be for pink toned skin but It's really too dark. I didn't get the wrong colour I got the lightest shade they do & it's still dark but I'm willing to work round that because It's really a lovely foundation. I really recommend.

I absolutely plan on buying the full bottle of this & try out the concealer and powder too!

Have you tried this foundation? 

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Christmas Wishes ♡

Muji Storage, £10.95 for two drawers - I love muji Storage, It's gorgeous and so affordable!  I've been wanting some of these drawers for a while, but as I thought I was going to be moving soon I was going to wait until I had my new dressing table, but as I'm not moving now I want to make my dressing table at home organised & pretty! 

No 7 Protect and Perfect Intense Experience £35.00 - I want this so badly, you get so much in this set, and so worth £35.00 infact I plan on buying this in the boots half price sale after Christmas too, hoping they still have them left! In this you get: Soft and Soothed Toner, Soft and Soothed Cleanser, Protect and Perfect Intense beauty serum, Protect and Perfect Intense day cream, Protect and Perfect Intense eye cream, Protect and Perfect Intense night cream & Beautiful skin radiance exfoliator. 

MAC Cream Colour Base Pearl £14.50 - I've wanted this for AGES. But I've just never picked it up, I think it's gorgeous and I've never tried a cream highlighter before and I love highlighting my skin, especially my cheeks, It looks really nice on me (if I do say so myself hehe.) 

Crown Brush Italian Badger Brush set £54.99 - I know these say Badger, but they're made of a mix between badger and synthetic hair, depending on the brush - that's what it says on the website. Before anyone comments, I don't agree with animal cruelty or testing on animals but these brushes are amazing quality and they're personally for me to use they're not for my kit, I only use synthetic brushes on clients whether they're against real hair brushes or not. Anyway these are gorgeous and I love love love them. 

Warrior on DVD £3.75 ( - This film, is seriously amazing. 1. It has Tom Hardy in it, WIN & 2. Although it's about UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship.) It's a really emotional story line. I cried all the way through. Everyone needs to see this. 

Marc Jacobs Daisy Gift set £45.00 - I absoultey adore this purfume, I was given a sample a while ago and I only got a few squirts out of it then lost it on a night out! So i'd love to recieve this. It's a gorgeous scent. 

Redken Colour Extend Hair care gift set £17.00 (Feel unique) - I always put a hair gift set on my Christmas list and now it's this one. I did originally want the tigi dumb blonde one but obviously I have really bright vibrant pinkypurple hair now so I want one which will protect & I trust redken! You get a Redken Colour Extend with cranberry oil shampoo & Conditioner .. I really wish it also had a treatment with it too but hey ho! 

Xen-tan Head to toe Medium Gift set £39.99 - I love xen-tan and Recently I've started tanning again. I used to use the dark lotion but since I have my new hair colour it would look better with a medium/light tan! 

I'd love to receive any of these gifts! I'm getting into the Christmas spirit a little now but not as much as other years, Christmas isn't the same to me this year & I feel a little like Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch who lost her Christmas spirit. Hopefully it'll come back once I start my shopping and start wrapping and this year I'm going to bake a dessert to take to my Nana's for Christmas dinner! 

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Sunday Summary #8.

- I have pink hair! Well, It's more purple in reality but it photographs more pink. I love it, so much. I used Directions dye in Lavender, Carnation pink & Blue lagoon to create my own shade. I mixed a drop of each colour with lots of white conditioner to make it a pastel colour & I'm really pleased with the outcome.

- I'm single. Me & my boyfriend decided to split up this week. It's really sad & I'm really gutted but it's for the best. We ended on good terms & are friends. Every ending is a new beginning as they say. 

- I'm loving how intense X-factor is at the moment. I really want Jahmene Douglas to win. He's so so so sweet. James Arthur is a close second though he's amazing! Do you like xfactor? I personally prefer xfactor USA the talent of ALL of the contestants is unreal, and it has nothing to do with Demi Lovato being a judge HONEST ;). 

Hope you've all had a nice weekend!