Thursday, 20 October 2011

Under the mistletoe with you..

It's getting so cold now! After a wierd start to Autumn, it looks like Autumn has bypassed and we've sprung straight into winter! Not going to complain, I love winter. It has to be my favourtie season of all time. Hense my little christmassy title there ^^.  Here are a few products Ive been using LOADS recently, daily most of them.
Also I'm going to Liverpool on Saturday (22nd October) with my two bestfriends doing some shopping so I'll do a post of what I got from there. I'm hoping to go into the MAC store, because living in Chester, all I have is a MAC counter in Debenhams so it'll be a change going into a store! Anyway, here are my 'Faves' atm:

Illamasqua Lipstick - Scandal

Sleek Blush - Suede
MAC Paint Pot - Bare Study.

HD Brows kit.
NO 7. Stay Pefect E/S - Truffle.

MAC Mineralise Skin Finishes  - Gold Dipost & Crystal Pink.
MAC Lipstick - Shy Girl

So this is what I've been loving recently. Not loads  I know, but I'm easily pleased.
P.s Thank you to all of my 13 followers for following, I know my blog isn't one of the best, but I'm hoping you'll all stick with me :)

happy winter everyone!, luce xoxoxox


  1. I really like the colour of the first lipstick!!
    where can I get the illamasqua (if thats how you spell it :) ) brand from and is it expensive?! :) I've never heard of it!

  2. :) & its quite expensive yes, but totally worth it! :D check out their other products too, they're beautiful xxx

  3. thanks so much.... ahhh I love their products!!

  4. those are all great picks for autumn, especially love they eyeshadow and lipstick colours!

    I've been on a lookout for a good brow product, are you from the Uk or Ireland by any chance? I' wondering where i can get a HD eyebrow palette...x

  5. I'm in the UK babe :)& I honestly have no idea where you buy the HD brow palette from, I got mine in a glossy box, maybe google the website? :) sorry I wasn't much help! xx
