Sunday, 18 September 2011

Weekly hair treatment routine!

I thought I'd do a post on my weekly hair treatment routine, my hair 'story' is a long one! I've dyed it every colour possible, black, white, blonde, brown, red, purple, blue.. the lot! & now it's absolutely ruined. -sad face- so I try and condition it daily and have a nice long treatment once or twice a week depending on how it's being.


 I use a treatment from Lush it's called H'Suan Wen Hua.. No idea how you pronounce it but that's what it's called! Its really amazing, you just slap it over your unwashed hair and on the tub it says to leave it for 20 minutes but I always leave it on for about 45 minutes because my hair gets so dry! :( It smells funny, it's a hard smell to explain, and unless you've smelt it you won't have any idea what I'm going on about but it smells sort of like cupcake mix, but not as sweet, you know before you add the sugar and nice stuff and you just have butter, eggs and flour? it smells like that! On the Lush UK website it says that it has Bay Watercress infusions as well as Free range eggs, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, soya and olive oil, which are all well known for being good for your hair! It's £8.50 which is quite pricey because I do use alot each application but it lasts me about 3 weeks, I use a 3rd of a tub each time I do this treatment.

Next is Shampoo..

I use Trichomania (Trick-o-mania) by Lush. Its my regular Shampoo I've used for like months now, I love it so much! It's a solid Shampoo and I was a bit worried at first because I didn't understand how a solid bar like this would do any good for my hair, but I was so wrong. It's so nice, its coconut sented and it's got creamed coconut in it aswell as soya milk and essential oils, its for really dry hair so it's perfect for my hair! It lathers up really well and makes my hair so so so soft! it's gorgeous! & You get a huge block for £5.00!

Okay.. Second treatment!

This time it's not Lush! These are Lee Stafford Hot Shots! I discovered these beauties at The Clothes Show Live '09! They're absolutely amazing. I love them so much. They're £7.19 from Boots! They're little shots of this amazing hair conditioner which heats up as you work it into your hair, I litterally can't express my love for this product. You get 3 in a pack, which works out perfecly with the 3 uses I get out of the Lush treatment! You leave them on for 2 minutes and you're hair feels amazing straight away and they get SOOO warm, its so nice! It feels like your hair is just being pampered in this expensive salon! Well worth 7 quid if you ask me!

& Finally!

The trusty Aussie 3 minute mircle reconstructor! This needs no explaination, everyone should know how amazing this is! I use it as my everyday conditioner because I love the smel aswell as it being good for my hair! It's gorgeous and its like £6.95 for a big bottle in Boots! I love it so much! & Teamed together with all the other products I use it makes my hair feel so amazingly soft! words can't describe!

- I also use Toni & Guy rapid repair leave in conditioner & Toni & Guy iron-it heat protector spray! :)
What's you're favorite at home hair treatment?! comment below! :)

Monday, 5 September 2011

Work, College & Managing a shop?

Hey everyone! I'm soo happy i've got 9 followers.. I didnt think i'd get ANY so thankyou! :) This is just a quick update on my life at the moment! Over the summer i worked.. LOADS -.- it was driving me mental, specially as i hate the stupid job, but at the end of it, its money i need to live off whilst im in college. In college I study Fashion & Retail, I love it, it's amazing, last year the course was mainly assignment work, with a few trips to Liverpool and London mixed in, which i love anyway and alot of fashion shows! but this year its all practial work and no writing :) ! so, this year we'll be running our own shop in the college selling beauty items and food & stationary.. im really excited, i went over the stock today & weve got some gorgeous stuff, and these gorgeous body butters i want to blog about! so i'm really excited for that! other than that ive had a few personal problems that i wont go in to :) and seeing my beautiful friends of course. any ideas on what i can blog about next? review? whats in my makeup bag? college beauty essestials? comment and let me know!

Love, Luce xoxox.