Friday, 23 December 2011

Inspiration ♡

Demetria Devonne Lovato also known as Demi Lovato is such an inspiring girl. At the young age of 19 she's already been through so much more than she ever should have. This girl really is my inspiration, not because I admire her singing or fame or fortune although I would love all of that at the age of 19, no. I admire her strength, going through rehab at the same age I am now must of been so scary & she came out kicking & is now stronger than ever. I admire that strength so much also, she's absolutely beautiful & has the voice of an angel! forever loving you Demi. xxx

& I cannot process how anyone can call her fat?! she's perfect.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Summary Sunday:


001: I've realised that winter is my favourite time of year. It's beautiful, and has Christmas involved in it. It ends one year and begins another. I don't understand how people can dislike this season. 

002: I'm excited to see my boyfriend tomorrow as he lives like 30 miles away boo :( that's probably the last time I'll see him until after Christmas! We're also not doing Christmas presents this year, we're going to have our own little Christmas in January we've both booked the weekend off work to have our own Christmas and go shopping to spend money on each other as we're both poor at picking presents so that's something to look forward to & definitely won't be having January blues with that coming.

003: My puppy, Smudge is getting far too strong for my liking, today he moved all the chairs in the dining room to make himself a little den then he sat behind them all waiting for someone to come downstairs to see it. Adorable huh? 

004: The new year is approaching which means new years resolutions, I've already got mine.. To sort out my bedroom once and for all as their's piles of junk everywhere, Also to open a savings account for half of my wages to go into it every pay day as I need to save the tuition fees for the media hair & make-up course I want to do in September & as I'll be 19 when the course starts I have to pay for everything which will be highly expensive. 

005: I'm quite turned off by the fact I stupidly agreed to work all over Christmas to stop the temptations of going out and spending a fortune, which I now regret since seeing the rota, but it's double pay so I can't complain really. I like doing these Sunday Summary posts & next week's one will be a Christmas day special, aww! 

Seasons Greetings.

Hello everyone! It's officially Christmas guys! I'm super excited. Since my Christmas Wish-list post I've handed in my actual Christmas list and my lovely Mother kindly informed me she only needs to buy one more item and then it's all done, so yay! but right now, to get myself a bit more Christmassy I'm going to do the Christmas tag that Zoella and her Brother created on her youtube channel, check that out here.

1. When do you start getting excited about Christmas?
- well, the start of December really, but it's usually when all the Christmas films come on T.V and everyone starts their Christmas shopping 

2. Do you still have advent calendars?
-yes of course! mine's a cadburys one this year! 

3. What are your favourite Christmas Films?
- ELF is my all time favourite Christmas movie. Along with The Grinch, they make me all warm and fuzzy inside.

4. Do you have any funny Christmas memories?
- Erm, not really. There was one time when I was younger me and my cousin were chasing eachother round the table after our Christmas dinner and my Dad wouldn't let us past him until we'd each ate a tablespoon of  mustard, and it was disgusting, sounds mean but it was hilarious!

5. Talk us through your typical Christmas Day?
- I wake up & Go and wake the parents up and we go downstairs and see what Father Christmas has left for us and then we open the lovely presents, then we bring Smudge in to rip open his present and then Mum makes us bacon sandwiches and hot chocolate whilst we watch a Christmas cartoon. We all get ready in our sparkly Christmas best & Trot off to my Nanna's house for the rest of the festivities with all the rest of our clan, we eat, watch t.v - Eastenders Christmas special! haha. & Then we all get  a bit drunk! 

6. What do you eat for Christmas Dinner?
- We eat a traditional turkey roast dinner with all the trimmings, with lovely puddings for afterwards. Everyone eats loads then we all sit in food comas for the next hour or so! 

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
- Basically we all just go to my Nanna's house, we have done since I can remember and it's lovely, also opening one present on Christmas Eve is a tradition me and my parents have had for as long as I can remember too.

8. Which are your favourite Christmas songs?
- ALL OF THEM. Especially the classics. 

9. What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
- I have no idea, I don't remember! Oh that makes me sound awful, I can only remember from the past few years so it'll have to be my Justin Bieber tour tickets! I was so happy. 

10. Real or Fake Christmas tree? 
- Fake! I dislike real ones, they smell and they molt and I don't think there's anywhere we could even buy one from in the City. I prefer fake ones anyway, Green ones though, I can't stand coloured Christmas tree's SO tacky. 

I tag everyone! 
Merry Christmas. xoxox

Friday, 16 December 2011

Catch-up & Clothes Show:

Hello everyone, sorry I've been a bit MIA in the blogging world this month, I've been mega busy! Working in retail at Christmas is one of the most horrible things ever, but I've broke up from college for the Christmas break now so I have some free time. Recently I went to the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham, admittedly I only wanted to go to see The Risk perform for the second time this year because I really do love them especially Derry, whom follows me on twitter & whom I've spoken to on the phone ;) sorry, little gloat there. I've been to the Clothes Show 3 years running now & I do love it so much. I didn't spend much, a little story though - I went through the list of brands to see what I'd like to buy and Illamasqua weren't on there, as big named brands don't usually go, but as I was walking round I saw them there and they'd been cleared out with every item on a 3 for £10 offer, yes ILLAMASQUA  FOR TEN POUNDS!!!! also all the pencils were £1 each, but here's a few pictures and swatches of what I did get.

Models own: If you bought 3 nail polishes you got everything else there including a make-up bag & a few bits I've saved for a give away for £10. The nail polishes are gold digger, purple mystique and Turkish delight! inc: neon pink face & lip tint, dark grey pigment, pearl pigment, hd eye liner, mascara, lip gloss & gold eye pencil. 
Swatch: pearl pigment, dark grey pigment, neon pink paint, black eye liner & gold eye pencil.

Helen-E cosmetics: Eye shadow in copper brown & two glitters, golden brown and pink. 

Copper brown swatch.
Thats all I got really, but if I'd know about the illamasqua sale, i'd have been spending alot more what I did get is a discount code! TREAT15 or FRIEND15 for 15% off guys.

enjoy, mwah!; Luce xox

Monday, 5 December 2011

J'adore Novembre.

Hello December, nice to see you. Was it just me or did the Autumn fly by? It feels like it was just August! It's 4th of December now & Christmas is just around the corner, I'm so excited. I love Christmas it's my favourite time of year! The lights, colours, family time - It's a beautiful time of year, but this post is about my November Favourites!

Neutrogena Visibly Clear Stress Spot Control Daily Scrub - (Jeez, what a mouthful!) Recently I've changed my skincare routine because my skin had gone terrible and I had horrible breakouts, boo! I was using Simple's Oil Balancing daily scrub and it wasn't doing anything for my skin so whilst I was in Tesco's I picked this up for around £4.00 and It's really helped. I love the smell and the beads are really nice. It makes my face feel all fresh and Tingly! 

Bourjois 'Chocolate Bronzer' - Everyone I know loves this bronzer, and it's really nice. I'm really pale like I could easily be a member of the Cullen family and this bronzer gives me a gorgeous natural bronzed look and adds some colour and shape to my face - And it smells gorgeous, the bronzer I mean.. Not my face. 

Barry M Green Glitter Nail paint & Models own Champagne - These two nail polishes have been the two I've reached for the most this month. I have the green glitter on now they're both super festive. The models own one is from the Pearl collection and is a gorgeous pearlised Gold colour. I really do adore it. 

MAC - There's three M.A.C products in my favourites this month! First is a paint pot in Bare Study. It's a gorgeous pale champagne colour with shimmer, I use this on my eyes every day before I put eye shadow on, or if I'm going for a more natural look I'll just use that on its own with lashings of mascara! The second is the newest lipstick to my collection which is the shade Saint Germain. I love it! I love the finish and the formula of this lipstick, its so creamy and glides on the skin so nicely. The colour is gorgeous a real Barbie pink. I love teaming it with a slight smokey eye for a nice day look. Finally is the foundation I've started using this month and that Studio Sculpt. My shade is NC15. I went to my local mac counter and asked for a sample of this and then bought the full size a few days later. I love it so much, it gives me the perfect coverage and it's the perfect shade, only downside is I wish it was a bigger tube!

Clean & Clear daily Deep Cleansing Lotion - I love this product, I've been using it for years, it's the one for sensitive skin so it's not too strong and doesn't irritate my skin. Dab some on a cotton pad and wipe round my face in the morning and before bed at night. It refreshes my face and gets rid of any dirt and helps clear up breakouts! It's cheap & does what it says!

Sandal'Eyes Mascara - The only reason I got this mascara was because of the brush, its huge and makes my lashes look gorgeous! I bought it whilst it was on offer in Boots for £4.99 its usually £6.99 I'm not sure if its still on offer but its a gorgeous mascara. It gives volume and length without clumping. 

Monday, 28 November 2011

I'm dreaming of a Christmas wish-list..

Have you ever just thought that if money was no option what would your dream Christmas list be? Well it's Monday night & I'm bored. So here it is. I know I'm never going to wake up on Christmas morning with these gifts waiting for me, my family is neither rich or poor & I work for my luxuries & I wouldn't change it for the world, but a girl can dream right? ;) 

Okay, so Those boots aren't the exact ones that I first wanted, in work the other day I saw a lady wearing the most beautiful quilted patent riding boots by UGG and I fell in love with them, I tried to google them to find the price but they're no where to be seen! (if anyone can find them send me a link please) so I searched ebay & found these which are so similar, these are only £29.98 which is probably considerably less than the genuine UGG ones. You can find these ebay beauties here.  

The three lipsticks on the list are the YSL Rouge Volupte lipstick in #1 Nude Beige which is so beautiful & I absolutely adore the packaging, it looks like the old school lipsticks my Nanna would have had. The two other are the Viva Glam lipsticks from MAC. I've had the pink one before I got it when it came out & when it was discontinued I was gutted, specially as the one I had got stolen so I was so happy when they released it with the Holiday 2011 collection with the nude shade & a gorgeous red makeup bag. 

Chanel Bronzing base is another I've always wanted but I just can justify spending that amount of money on a bronzer so getting it for Christmas would be perfect! Same along with the Sigma brush set. I love the purple colour & the Packaging is gorgeous and so handy if you want to safely transport your brushes. 

Lastly as a complete dream luxury is the Louis Vuitton Lumineuse PM bag in the colour Purple is has the hefty price tag of £1,480.00 which is the most money Ive ever wanted to spend on one thing. & If I were ever to come into that kind of money to spend on a bag it would definintley be this one. I'm in love with it, all the other colours are gorgeous too.

& Obviously not everyone can even dream about these kinds of things so I'm taking part in my Cities local 'Operation Christmas Child' scheme and will be sending off a lovely package to hopefully make someones Christmas :) 

Luce, xoxox

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Review: Xen-Tan

This is the first ever fake tan I ever used, in my whole life. Okay; so I'm really pale I have the natural skin colour of a typical British, Blonde haired blue eyed girl, accept I dye my hair dark now so I just look yucky pale. The first time I'd heard of this fake tan is in 2009, at The Clothes Show Live in Birmingham. Xen-Tan had a stall there & they were trying it out on people & my friend bought some and the lady asked me if I wanted to try it & I was like 'Erm, No sorry I don't really wear fake tan" (wierd how well I remember this) but she was like oh but it was made for people with your complextion it was made by a woman with your complextion (I don't know how true that is, or if she was just sweet talking me) but I was like Okay.. 


First off, the colour:  it's like a dark brown/light brown depending on if you have the weekly or daily one so you can see clearly where you're rubbing it in. Which in case of a bad experience is such a good thing because the last thing you wanna do is let it develop & you turn out like a patchwork quilt :( NOT a sexy look ladies. The texture of this product is so creamy, it's really lovely. It kinda looks like melted chocolate - I know, heaven right?! It's so gorgeous & velvety? If you even understand how I mean that. Also it's made with all olive tones, so you won't come off like you've rolled round in dorito's.

The smell of this product is to die for. It's so nice. On the picture above it has that it has a vanilla sent, but I think you know when you buy a hot chocolate & it has that vanilla/chocolate cream smell? That's what Xen-Tan smells like. Not biscuit-y like other fake tans, nor does it leave a nasty residue on your skin afterwards, it's just a gorgeous clean tan.

You can get this products online at also: Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, House Of Fraser, Fenwick, Debenhams, John Lewis & Saks. I know they ship to the UK but I have no idea about international shipping, I've scanned over the website and I can't seem to find anything.

ALSO: at the moment they have a offer on if you can get a tube/bottle of tan, a body scrub & a tanning mitt for like £29.99
GRADUAL/LIGHT:  WAS: £34.97 NOW:£29.99
LIGHT/MEDIUM: WAS: 34.97 NOW: £29.99
DARK: WAS: £47.97 NOW: £39.99

ALSO: If you buy now you'll get free UK delivery & 10% off your next order?
YOU'RE STILL READING?! WHY haven't you already gone over to!
that's such a good deal!

Overall: This is my all time favourite tan ever. I've tried many since then & none of them have compared.
You should all try it. Even if you're a fake tan virgin like I was, Xen-tan transformed me!

DISCLAIMER: I have been in NO way prompted to write this review, I bought xen-tan with my own money. They have not contacted me to send products for me to write, and everything I've written has been my honest opinion. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Get to know me more.

Hello you lovely ladies!
As I'm still relatively new to the world of blogs I thought I'd do this tag to help you learn abit more about moi. I'm gonna do the 13 personal questions tag, done by alot of youtubers! 
I stole this from 'hehe' 

Onto the Q's.

1. What do you order at Starbucks? 
I actually don't go to Starbucks, I've never actually been. I'm more of a Costa kinda girl, in there I order a Medium Caramel Hotchocolate, YUM. 

2. What is the one thing in your closet that you can't live without? 
 Hmm, tough one. At the moment it'd have to be my cream coloured chunky knit cardi from Primark. I wear it all the time & I love it, its super warm. 

3. What's the one thing most people don't know about you? 
Well funnily enough.. This blog. No body in my 'Real' life know I write it. My boyfriend does, but I think that is all. Also that I'm a sucker for crime shows, movies & books, they facinate me.

4. What's one thing you want to do before you die? 
Travel the world! I've ALWAYS wanted to go to America, I've only ever been to florida. I want to go to NYC & Also I'd love to go to Canada also. Paris, Monte Carlo, Australia, China.. SO many places. So yeah; if I ever get the chance I want to go travelling. 

5. What's one food you can't live without? 
Chicken, It's the only meat I eat.. I live off it. 

6. What's one quote you live by?
I never really had one of these since something bad happened in my life, and the quote is 'All my windows still are broken, but i'm standing on my own' It's a lyric from the song 'Sky scraper' by Demi Lovato. I adore her and that line just means so much to me now.  Also 'Just Believe' is another that means a lot to me for personal reasons.

7. What do you like and dislike about the YouTube community? 
Ohh.. Erm, Although I don't make YT videos because I'm basically not confident enough I would LOVE to. Its such a good way to express yourself, but what stops me is the abuse some beauty guru's get, I wouldn't be able to handle it all, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm way too sensitive. 

8. What's your number 1 song on your iPod/iTunes? 
hehe, It's 'Who Says' by Selena Gomez. 

9. What kind of style would you describe yourself as having? 
Wierd, Edgy, Rocky but still classy & girlie too.

10. Your favourite number? 
548. The date me and my boyfriend got together but without the O's so we got together on 05.04.08, cheesy I know.

11. Two hobbies?
blogging & singing (: 

12. Two pet peeves? 
OH MY GOSH. This could take a while. Firstly I HATE, and I mean HATE! people who use their social network profile to constantly MOAN about every little thing in the whole world. Like seriously, cheer up. Especially when you know that person has nothing to complain about. Uch a fi. Sorry a little welsh added in there. Secondly It's gotta be boys who think they're too attractive or your not attractive enough for them to be polite to you. OH MY GOSH, it annoys the hell out of me. I know some girls do it too so boys & girls who do it I just hate it. Just because you don't find them attractive doesn't mean you can be rude. 

13. Your guilty pleasure? 
Justin. Drew. Bieber.
I know, I know, most people hate him, but I happen to adore him. Such a cutie. 

Nos Da! Luce xox

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Pucker up..

I haven't posted in so long! I'd love to turn round and say I've been mega busy doing loads of really cool things, but I haven't the coolest thing I've done lately is the 'Twilathon' which was good. By the way - Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 .. HOW AMAZING?! The book was better, but still, had me in tears! Anyway.. I'm back, with a Lipstick post! These are the ones I've been loving at the moment! 

TL-R: 17 Showbiz, Mac Shy Girl, Mac New Temptation (sheen supreme), Barry M  64,  Mac Chatterbox,  Illamasqua Scandal. 
T- Clockwise: Mac Chatterbox, 17 Showbiz, Barry M 62, Mac Shy Girl, Illamasqua Scandal, Mac New Temptation. 

These 6 lipsticks are the ones I use the most recently. Illamasqua and the Mac Chatterbox are pretty similar to be honest, the only difference is Scandal is a matte lipstick and Chatterbox is an Amplified Cream lipstick. 

Short post, I'll be back with some more asap!
What are the lipsticks you're loving ATM?! 
Love, Luce xoxoxox 

Sunday, 6 November 2011

A,B,C ..

This is here just because it's a beautiful picture, taken from Tumblr. Not by me.

Hello Beauties! 
Another post from me this weekend! It's my first Sunday off work in about A year & I'm so so bored, waiting for my Sunday Roast made by the Father has been the highlight of my day. Also lots of cuddles from my Collie/Spaniel cross. He's beautiful! So I thought I'd take up some time by doing the A - Z tag thing found on Brittany's Secret So yeah.. 

A - Age : 18!
B- Bed size:  Double 
C - Chore You Hate:  Cleaning up Smudge's Poop -.- 
D – Day:  Today? Its Sunday.
F – Favorite Colour: Purple!
G – Gold or Silver:  While Gold ;) 
H – Height: 5’2" :)
I – Instrument:  Guitar.
J – Job Title:  Sales Assistant.
K – Kids:  Not just yet, Thank you!
L – Live:  Cheshire.
M – Mum’s Name:  Elaine.
N – Nicknames:  Luce? 
O – Overnight stay at hospital:  Don't think I've had one!
P – Pet Peeve:  When girls give you evil looks for no reason, and boys who think they're too attractive to talk to you, ew. 
Q – Quote from a Movie/TV show: Hmm, not sure tbf. 
R – Right or left-handed: Rightyyyyyyyeah.
S – Siblings:  Two Older sisters - Julie & Debbie. One Older brother - Simon.
T – Time you wake up: 7-7.30 am :)
U – Unique about you:  Everything ;) 
V – Vegetable you hate: Cabbage, Broccoli, Sprouts, Cauliflower, ERGH.
W – What makes you run late: Not getting out of bed haha.
X – X-rays you have  had: Left pinkie &  Elbow.
Y – Yummy food you make: My boyfriend says I make the best steak ever? hehe.
Z – Zodiak sign: Leo :) rawr, ha.

This little babe, is Smudge :)

BEAUTY isn't he! Anyways; that's all for now guys.
Much Love, Luce xoxox

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Remember, remember the 5th of November..

L-R:  Khaki Parka, Models Own Beetlejuice in Purple Blue, Berry Jumper,  Distressed Skinny Jeans,  Maroon flats,  Black & Red skater dress, Aztec waterfall cardigan, Illamasqua Sob cream blush, Camel jumper.
Hello Beauties! Hope you're all having a lovely safe bonfire night. These items are on my current wish-list; I've asked for them for Christmas so its more my fashion type Christmas list. I have fallen in love with the new Models Own collection called Beetle Juice. I've asked for the whole collection for Christmas because you can get the whole collection plus a top coat for £20! Total bargain if you ask me, everyone loves a good bargain.

Just a short post today. Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend!
Much Love, Luce xoxox 

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Just a quick question..

Happy November beautiful followers! :) 

I hope you all had a nice Halloween! I certainly did, I had college in the day which consisted of a debate about children dressing years above their age & size 0 - it got very heated & our tutor was loving it, we were all getting our opinions out and saying if we thought something was wrong or if we agreed it was a good way to let my stress out I tell you! After college I came home, put on my dead army girl costume, with fake scar and everything & went out in Chester City Centre with all my lovely friends. We went to a terror tour in a club which I really did poop myself at! There were people jumping out in masks and amazing scary costumes. It was all fun, Then we danced, got drunk, danced a bit more then strolled home at - What did you guys do? 

the makeup I did for my army girl. the red splodge is the fake scar wound. crappy quality because I quickly took it on my laptop. 

Finally - I'm in my last year of College now, and It's time for my Final Major Project. For my research I just wanted to ask all your opinions on what the media portrays as the 'perfect' body image, and what its doing to teens in ways of eating disorders and aiming to get a boob/nose/ job. Also your opinions on Size 0 - If any of my beautiful followers would give me their opinions to help me out I'd really appreciate it!

Much love, Luce xoxox

Thursday, 20 October 2011

This or That Make-up Tag.

Quite simple, I've never done one of these before so I thought I'd give it ago!

Day of  the Dead make-up I found on Tumblr, How gorgeous?

Blush or Bronzer? Bronzer definately! I'm really pale, so bronzer adds so much to my complextion.

Lipgloss or Lipstick? Lipstick! I hate the way my hair sticks to my lipgloss -.-

Eyeliner or Mascara? Eyeliner actually, My eyes are so small, they'd be none existant without eyeliner!

Foundation or Concealer? Foundation.

Neutral or Coloured Eyeshadow?  Coloured.

Pressed or Loose Eyeshadow? Pressed if I'm in a rush/lazy. Loose when I have time.

Brushes or Sponges? Brushes.


Long or Short? Can't have long due to work, so short.

Acrylic or Natural? Again, due to work, I'm not allowed acrylic, so natural.

Brights or Darks? Brights.

Flower or no Flower?  No flower.


Perfume or Body Splash? Perfume.

Lotion or Body Butter? Body Butter.

Body Wash or Soap?  Soap! - Honey I washed The kids from Lush!

Jeans or Sweat Pants? Jeans.
Long Sleeve or Short? Long. I don't like my arms.
Dresses or Skirts? Dresses.
Stripes or Plaid? Niether.
Flip Flops or Sandals? Sandals.
Scarves or Hats? Scarves.
Studs or Dangly Earrings? One of each.
Cowboy Boots or Riding Boots? Both?

Curly or Straight? Ive had mine curly loads recently.
Bun or Ponytail? Bun.
Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips? Bobby Pins.
Hair Spray or Gel? Hairspray
Long or Short?  Long.
Light or Dark? I'm dark atm, but I love blonde hair, so I may go back, hmm.
Side-swept Bangs or Full Bangs?  Both!

Rain or Shine? I love listening to the rain outside when i'm all cosy in my house, but if i have to go somewhere, then shine.
Summer or Winter? Winter. I know that's weird, but i love it.
Fall or Spring? Fall.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate :)


Under the mistletoe with you..

It's getting so cold now! After a wierd start to Autumn, it looks like Autumn has bypassed and we've sprung straight into winter! Not going to complain, I love winter. It has to be my favourtie season of all time. Hense my little christmassy title there ^^.  Here are a few products Ive been using LOADS recently, daily most of them.
Also I'm going to Liverpool on Saturday (22nd October) with my two bestfriends doing some shopping so I'll do a post of what I got from there. I'm hoping to go into the MAC store, because living in Chester, all I have is a MAC counter in Debenhams so it'll be a change going into a store! Anyway, here are my 'Faves' atm:

Illamasqua Lipstick - Scandal

Sleek Blush - Suede
MAC Paint Pot - Bare Study.

HD Brows kit.
NO 7. Stay Pefect E/S - Truffle.

MAC Mineralise Skin Finishes  - Gold Dipost & Crystal Pink.
MAC Lipstick - Shy Girl

So this is what I've been loving recently. Not loads  I know, but I'm easily pleased.
P.s Thank you to all of my 13 followers for following, I know my blog isn't one of the best, but I'm hoping you'll all stick with me :)

happy winter everyone!, luce xoxoxox