Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Hello beauties! I haven't posted in a few weeks, and I have a ton of posts I'm dying to write but recently I've just been a really lazy blogger & I've just been enjoying life at the moment. The main reason I've not posted is I've been really poorly. Boo! I had Tonsillitis for the last two weeks and it's been horrible. I've not been able to breathe or sleep properly so I've been a very moody Lucie too. 

I got another new piercing since I've been gone too. I got my 'Rook' pierced which is the little piece of cartlidge above the tragus. I've wanted it pierced for months and just decided to do it one day after college because If I didn't just do it I wouldn't of because I'm a massive wimp. It didn't really hurt as much as I thought it would, it was just very uncomfortable because the space is so small. It's healing nicely and I'm already wanting more, I'm going to be like a pin cushion soon! 

The photo above was taken on a night out before I got ill. As you can tell my pink/purple locks are gone for now! I was finding it hard to keep it looking healthy without taking all the colour out which is a shame because I loved it. I've also bought new hair extensions! They're from a brand called Dream Girl and they're 100% human hair and they cost £79.99 which is a fair price. I love them and they're really good quality. 

I WILL be back with lots of lovely posts for you all including a empties post, favourites & a new hair mask I've discovered that makes my hair feel like liquid gold. I'm in love with it! 

Hope you're all having a lovely week!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

The Great Expectations Tag! Hello 2013 ♡

Image: We Heart It.

My first post of 2013 is going to be BritPopPrincess's new tag! I wasn't tagged to do this but there's a mixture of questions & I love her so check her out! 

1. Bad Beauty habit to get rid of? 
For me, it's got to be not removing all of my make-up before bed, I'm going to be honest; I'm quite lazy & once I'm tired I always forget so that's going to be something I want to change. 

2. Beauty secret to add this year? 
I'm going to have to say, better skincare. I want to invest in some more expensive range of skincare because my skin is very sensitive and always looks awful & I want to help it as much as I possibly can. 

3. Last years beauty favourite? 
I think I'm going to have to pick two because I know I wouldn't of been able to live without either this year! So first is Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, which everyone loves & is so cheap! Secondly will have to be Lee Stafford Miracle repair hot shots, they're obviously for hair and they seriously work wonders for damaged/dry hair - I swear by them. 

4. Beauty/Body goal for 2013? 
I have a few! Lose weight to be the main one. Also to get my hair in tip top condition so it grows lovely!

5. Last years biggest fashion mistake? 
I don't really follow 'fashion' if something is in trend and I like it then I'll wear it. This year and every year in fact I really really don't like fur hats, I just think they look ridiculous.

6. This year's fashion trend prediction? 
Well, I don't follow fashion as much as others so I'm not really sure, what a rubbish answer!

7. This years fashion must have? 
Anything that takes my fancy! I have my eye on a new leather jacket from ASOS at the moment so I'm just going to say that.

8. Last year's happiest moment/biggest achievement? 
There isn't a lot for me to choose from because as I've said in previous posts 2012 didn't treat me too well but it has to be still passing my fashion retail course with Distinction grade even though I had to take two months off College right before my final project.

9. Last years biggest challenge? 
Honestly, the whole year was a challenge. Losing my Mother in May was and still is the biggest challenge. 

10. This years key resolution? 
To learn to love myself again, I have some serious self issues and I wan't to solve them in order to love myself . Deeeeeep.

11. Any motto/advice for the year?  
'Never give up, there is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning.'

I tag everyone to do this! It's a really nice tag, all credit goes to Patricia.