Wednesday, 14 March 2012

MAC's Petticoat.

I'm finally getting back into the blogging scene again, this past month I've been so uninspired and I've literally only been shopping once or twice so I've not even had anything for a decent haul so I'm just going to express my love for a MAC product I discovered recently. 

This MSF was released way back in 2005 later being re-released in 2008 in the Sheer Mineral Collection, but back then I was 14 and in no position to buy high end make-up so the thought had never crossed my mind to look at any of MAC's collections, but since getting into high end make up more I've discovered this and I adore it, I wanted to get my hands on it for about a year now, and I'd seen it on ebay but it was around £50 and as beautiful as it is it's not worth £50 but I on chance went to my local Cosmetics Company Store and it was in there! Discounted to £13.50 instead of £20.50 and that was around 2 weeks ago & I've worn it every single day since then, I love it. I have extremely pale skin, I'm a NC15 in MAC foundations so I'm pretty pale so this is the perfect blush/bronzer duo for me, I love it. 
It's so feminine and girly, and with the name Petticoat it just adds so much class to the product, I've got three MSF's in total and this is by far my favourite :-) if anyone ever has the chance to try this then I recommend you do. Apply with a light hand if you're fair skinned & it's beautiful. 

I'm also looking into buying MSF Soft 'n' Gentle thanks to Louise giving it such rave reviews all the time. 

The Versatile Blog award.

I logged onto my blog today after taking a break due to illness & basically didn't have any inspiration to blog and I saw that I'd been nominated for The Versatile Blog award by Emine! Check her out if you're not already following her she's beautiful & I adore her blog, can't wait to see more from her!

If you're lucky enough to also be nominated for this award these are the rules:
 -  Thank the person/people who nominated you for the award [everyone check out Emine's link above, you won't regret it] 

 -  Tell 7 facts about yourself 
1. In September I'm going to be starting a Make-up artistry course. 
2. I'm currently reading Bobbi Brown's make up manual. 
3. The reason I started my blog was because of Zoe, she's amazing.
4. My favourite colours are Purple & Black. 
5. I absolutely adore Justin Bieber.
6. I'm 18 years old .
7. When I was 4 I almost died from falling off a shed roof. *sadface* 

 -   Pass this on to 10 newly discovered blogs and let them know they received this award.
 *Ive sent this award to new blogs & blogs that I absolutely love. 

These 10 blogs are amazing, check them out, they're not all new but are a good read!
Thank you again to Emine. x